78 in Pennsylvania of 80 Routes 20 Miles 0 Followers
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By justinbaum (10 McR Points) on Apr 25, 2023

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Written Directions

Starting near Merion Memorial Park, ride west on PA-23. It will start rolling thru some suburbs and you will hit scenes of industrial decline, passing a very large cargo rail station, thru some beautiful rolling hills and turns with lots of foliage. Eventually you will hit Valley Forge Park, and I recommend exploring throughout. Near the limits of the park you will make a left turn on PA-252, which is a beautiful winding road running parallel to a moderately sized stream leading to a little bridge.


This route is a great break. A go to of mine for getting out of Philadelphia and enjoying fresh air and some scenery. Rolling Hills Park is a great detour as well, sit and see the rolling hills and the horizon for a small pit stop.

Drive Enjoyment

No highways, just curvy rolling hills with great foliage and low traffic compared to the city. I really recommend if you're coming from Philadelphia, start with this route, and it's a natural continuation: https://www.motorcycleroads.com/motorcycle-roads/pennsylvania/a-mix-o-everything-ride-in-philadelphia

Tourism Opportunities

Valley Forge is the main site for true tourism on this route. However, this is just a nice after work ride I really recommend for those in the Philadelphia area. Taking Kelly Drive up to Manayunk and cutting over the bridge leads to a beautiful hour and change of riding after work for myself.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

I put the route in Google Maps https://goo.gl/maps/AL15dYgvpTZ8YQVQA Feel free to include Kelly Drive, I did not as it was one of the first rides I rode from this website. This happens to be a very good natural extension of this ride. And frankly the best ride I've found in the Philly are these two combined: https://www.motorcycleroads.com/motorcycle-roads/pennsylvania/a-mix-o-everything-ride-in-philadelphia

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