2 in Oklahoma of 40 Routes 40 Miles 0 Followers
12 Rode it 14 Want to Ride it
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4.1 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.1
10 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Sep 30, 2009

Rider Reviews

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Yep its agreat ride and great places to see and…
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4 McR Points
Rode this route today. Very nice! Started out in…

Written Directions

This is Route 66 between beginning with Stroud, OK and Arcadia, OK. There is a lot of places to check out and it is a great road. Just finished it today and had a great time, (other than it was a bit chilly and wet, off and on). Take your time and don't be afraid to turn around to check something out that you missed. Enjoy.


This is a small portion of Route 66 and it's beautiful. Some curves and lots to look at, but you will probably have to backtrack for some photo ops, markings leave a lot to be desired and the speed limit is so high.

Drive Enjoyment

Road changes between counties, but mostly great. Lots of trees and curves. Just to the west of Arcadia is the Arcadia Lake and Park.

Tourism Opportunities

Lots of little towns and small shops and stations. Chandler has a Route 66 museum that is really a must see, great place. Pops is in Arcadia as well as Bikers Shak and the Round Barn. Lots of great places to stop and find things you can't live without.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Yep its agreat ride and great places to see and visit with the folks. The gentleman at the round barn will tell you some things that are about the barn and the movies made about RT 66. It as good or better then the rest of RT 66. You need to follow RT 66 at least once. Later see ya on RT 66.
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4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Rode this route today. Very nice! Started out in Arcadia. Lady at the Biker Shack let us know about a newer Motorcycle Museum in Warwick, 7 miles west of Chandler. Seaba Station. Nice little donation only museum.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
RT 66 is a great ride, besides the road, the attractions are nice. Lake Arcadia, Pop's, the round barn are nice places. As far as eats go, the Rock Cafe in Stroud is a great place for a meal, including German crusine and Pop's has great burgers and a large selection of pop.
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Chrome Spokeswoman
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
This is very popular with Route 66 enthusiastic. Biker friendly stops on the route: Stroud - Rock Cafe, Stable Ridge Winery; Chandler - Route 66 Interpretive Center; Arcadia - Biker Shack, Pops, and Round Barn.
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