11 in Ohio of 102 Routes 13 Miles 2 Followers
13 Rode it 17 Want to Ride it
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10 Reviews

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By Guest (0 McR Points) on Jul 31, 2008

Rider Reviews

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I live on ohio 536 south end. Any out of towners…
44 McR Points
Rode this Saturday 7/26/ 2014. We are no longer…

Written Directions

The eastern end of route 556 is located in Beallsville and the western end is in the town of Clarington. Clarington is located on the Ohio river about 28 miles south of I-70.


Beautiful Southeastern Ohio farm country, nice rolling hills, well kept farms and forest.

Drive Enjoyment

Another excellent S.E.O. roller coaster! It baffles me how this road gets so little mention on forums considering its close proximity to 536 (known as "The Ohio Cousin of the Tail of the Dragon"). Plenty of elevation changes, a wide variety of turns and good pavement makes for one enjoyable ride. 556 is connected to 536 on the east by route 7 and on the west by route 26,making one of the best loops a curve hunting ride could find.

Tourism Opportunities

Like 536, there isn't much here except plenty of excellent riding..

Motorcycle Road Additional info

- View the weather forecast for this area from Yahoo weather .

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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
I live on ohio 536 south end. Any out of towners caution: 536 is a very good ride how ever do to the new gas wells truck trafis is very bad. Semis travel at least 2 at a time. They sometimes have a polite car with flag leading. Because of the truck trafic there is some broken pavement. Watch for deer Ride safe. Have a good summer I'm Heading for Canada.
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44 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Rode this Saturday 7/26/ 2014. We are no longer alone! I am used to this road being more or less exclusive to Motorcycles, with passenger car usage being in the single digits, not anymore. Consol has moved in and it's a Zoo. Gravel & Ash at the truck entrances which there are at least 3 off this route. AND GRAVEL TRUCKS & CAR TRAFFIC EVERYWHERE! Can't really recommend this route to anybody on two wheels anymore, hopefully the other South East Ohio Roads don't or haven't fallen victim to this also. Glad for the surrounding community, they have jobs in the area now but, today I mourn the loss of what was a truly nice piece of pavement. - Nick Gee (7/31/14)
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
WOW and WOW. i drove this in my mazda rx7 on my way down to deals gap/the tail of the dragon and was a amazed. i didnt know ohio had these kind of roads. the road moves quick but is very sharp and technical so be careful. very good quality pavement but has driveways and intersectioning roads so there will occasional gravel spots or slow vehicles. i live in northeast ohio and visit marietta,oh often and this will be my included in my new route down. great road
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
This is a fun road. It's has many sharp turns. I found that it's alot less fun when follwing a big truck. If you get behind a slow car or truck just take it to the end and turn around and go back. It's not that long so do it a couple times.
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