47 in New York of 72 Routes 106 Miles 0 Followers
2 Rode it 5 Want to Ride it
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4 out of 5 Rider Rating 4
1 Review

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By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points) on May 18, 2011

Rider Reviews

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I have ridden this road a multitude of times…

Written Directions

Route 21 runs between Pultneyville on Lake Ontario and Andover on Route 417. There are two detours that I'd Recommend. The first is to take Parrish St in Canandagua to West Lake Rd. West Lake will intersect 21 a few miles north of South Bristol. This detour offers up a ride along the shore of Canandagua Lake. The second detour is when 21 and 36 intersect. Take 36 north to Arkport and visit Arkport Cycles. In addition to great people they offer test rides of all the bikes. Even new Harleys. That is service!


Great Lakes to rolling hills to open farm land, the route is constantly changing. This route runs most of the width of New York through the Finger Lakes region.

Drive Enjoyment

The road is well maintained the whole way. Most of it is in great shape with a few sections of average quality. Not very twisty but nice sweepers.

Tourism Opportunities

Several small towns and a small city are on the way. Gas and food are always available. A pleasant stop is Sonnenberg Gardens and Mansion in Canandagua.

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Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I have ridden this road a multitude of times going to visit friends in the Finger Lakes and have loved every ride. Very scenic through old Villages and great farm country
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