Motorcycle Route Author

By Guest (0 McR Points)
on May 31, 2007
Rider Reviews
Written Directions
Start in Lake George Village and head NW on Rt 9, in Warrensburg. Keep a sharp eye out, and just past the center of town, take a left onto Rt 418 South. Take 418 into Athol. In Athol, veer left onto Rt 1 South. Follow that down, until you get to Lake Luzerne, and take a left, cross over the bridge, and switch to Rt 9N South. Follow Rt 9N all the way down and into Saratoga Springs.Scenery
We undertook the ride while we were at the Americade. Fun as the event was, it didn't provide a whole bunch of eye candy, unless you are into trikes, and side cars. We heard the Auto Museum in Saratoga Springs had a vintage motorcycle show going on, so off we went. The ride was worth the trip, though. The town is lovely! The Museum is located outside of the center of the town, in part of the old Springs resort area. The ride itself wanders along a river and Lake sides. A very pretty and quiet ride.Elvis's Harley K at the Saratogo Auto Museum
Drive Enjoyment
Just fine. Some twists, but not a lot of inclines, or anything hairy.Vintage Vincent motorcycle at the Saratogo Auto Museum