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By mchance (900 McR Points) on Oct 08, 2021

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Written Directions

The route begins in Everton, MO, at the intersection of E. Springfield St. (MO-162/MO-M) and US 160. Proceed east on US 160 for 14 miles, to the intersection with MO-123 just north of Willard, MO


The route travels through the SW Missouri plains, past open farmland and prairie, with the occasional grove of trees, with the town of Ash Grove in the midpoint of the route.

Drive Enjoyment

The route goes through the rolling hills of the SW Missouri plains, with easy curves (nearly all in the 40-50 MPH range) and almost continuous changes of elevation, giving the route a gentle "rollercoaster" feeling. The road itself is well maintained asphalt.

Tourism Opportunities

There are a number of shops and restaurants in the towns of Ash Grove and Willard. The route passes by the Nathan and Olive Boone Homestead State Historic Site (just north of Ash Grove) and the Bois D'Arc Conservation Area (just south of the eastern half of the route).

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