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By mchance (900 McR Points) on May 23, 2021

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Written Directions

Take your best route to the intersection of MO-413 and MO-76 (Main St. and Old Wilderness Rd.) in Reeds Spring, MO. Head west on MO-76 for 8.5 miles to Cape Fair, MO. Turn right to stay on MO-76, then, in 0.3 miles, turn left to continue on MO-76. In 12.5 miles, the route ends at the intersection of MO-39 in Hill City, MO, just north of Shell Knob, MO.


The route is mostly wooded, as it goes through the hills and valleys of the area on the north side of Table Rock Lake. The route crosses the lake at Cape Fair, with a great view of the lake on both sides of the approach to the bridge. Just south of the route terminus in Hill City, as you head toward Shell Knob, is a scenic overlook (at the end of a short gravel drive) that gives a really nice view of one of the valleys that leads into Table Rock Lake.

Drive Enjoyment

The road is well maintained asphalt throughout the length. The route is curvy without being overly technical, with a variety of recommended curve speeds from 30 to 55 MPH, and flows through curves and hills in nice combinations, with no long straight sections.

Tourism Opportunities

There are small shops and restaurants in Reeds Springs, Cape Fair, and Shell Knob, as well as access to Table Rock Lake in Cape Fair and Shell Knob.

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