18 in Missouri of 97 Routes 61 Miles 0 Followers
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Overall Route Rating
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4.33 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.33
3 Reviews

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By OldNerdGuy (5 McR Points) on Oct 17, 2011

Rider Reviews

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Donald Reischman
30 McR Points
Only rated a 4 because of the lack of technical…
11 McR Points
Great ride and route, scenic rural hwy with some…

Written Directions

Start in Jackson, MO on Missouri Highway 72 (at the intersection of MO 72 and US 61) and head west to Missouri 21 (Arcadia & Ironton, MO)


Nice route thru southern Missouri. Sweeping curves, really nice in the fall when the colors change. Well paved, facilities at the start and end, and at Fredricktown.

Drive Enjoyment

Well paved, sweeping curves, mild hills.

Tourism Opportunities

Jackson MO at the start (US61) has plenty of amenities. At the end, on MO 21, there are lots of things to see and do. Johnson Shut-Ins was one of the most beautiful sites in Missouri until the Ameren (electric co) reservoir on Taum Sauk mountain broke and flooded it to pieces. Elephant Rocks is near the end as well.

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Donald Reischman
30 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Only rated a 4 because of the lack of technical skills needed. I personally prefer a curvier road if I'm out for the sheer fun of it. All other apects, I'd rate a 5. Our group has used this route numerous times to get into the Ozarks. Road surface is good to very good most of the way. You can stop off at Fredericktown, which is about half way through. There's gas, and if you side track and go through town, a few places to eat as well. A convenient store/gas stop is at the junction of 72 and I-67 on the western edge of town. Be sure to stop and look at the end of the ride where 72 and 21 meet. On the right, there's what looks like a typical convenience store. But go to the back once inside, and experience the miniature Bass Pro Shop there(not really BPS, but lots of sporting goods). First time in there, I was really surprised. Go any direction from the end, and every road I've been on is good as well. You can't go wrong.
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11 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great ride and route, scenic rural hwy with some nice twist and turns.
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950 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
A buddy and I rode this from Ironton/Arcadia to Jackson in 2018 as part of collecting locations for Harley's ABC's of Touring (the last year they had that program). A very pleasant cruising road, with just enough elevation changes and sweeping turns to keep things from getting boring, yet stay relaxing.
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