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5 out of 5 Rider Rating 5
1 Review

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By mchance (900 McR Points) on Nov 01, 2020

Rider Reviews

900 McR Points
November 24, 2020
One of my favorite roads in Missouri. It's great…

Written Directions

The ride starts at the intersection of I-44 and US 50, just east of Union, MO. Continue west on US 50 for 72 miles, to the intersection with Loose Creek Hwy, just east of Jefferson City, MO.


US 50 between Union and Jefferson City travels through the rolling hills of mid-Missouri, with farmland, woods, and a number of small towns. There are several ridges and creek/river valleys, providing some excellent scenery throughout the route.

Drive Enjoyment

This road is a real gem in Missouri. Although it is two lanes for nearly the entire length of the described route, the speed limit between towns is mostly 60 MPH, and has sweeping turns and rolling hills. This permits the rider to really let their bike open up and flow through the turns and hills (especially after riding on some of the intersecting and surrounding roads with slower speeds and tighter turns). As a US Highway, it is well maintained with rolled asphalt, often over a concrete roadbed, making it well suited to the higher speed limit. While there are several small towns with speed limits down to as low as 25 MPH, they are small and the help break up the long stretches in between.

Tourism Opportunities

Beginning with Union, there are an amazing number of shops and restaurants along the route, including some real gems in the small towns. Some of my favorite restaurants on US 50 are Ruthie's in Rosebud (don't forget to ask about the foot-high pies and cakes), Bistro at the Mill in Gerald, BJ's and the Chop House Grill in Linn, and Junie Moon's and the White Rose Cafe in Union. There are a number of wineries along the route (Note: most have long gravel drives), and numerous antique shops.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

US 50 through Missouri roughly follows the Midland Trail Highway route, established in 1913, and was one of the first transcontinental highways. It became a US highway in 1926. At the western end, it becomes a modern divided, limited access highway for the remained of the trip into Jefferson City. You can turn onto Loose Creek Highway to extend the two lane trip, rejoining US 50 just before the intersection with US 63 just east of Jefferson City. Or you can turn around, and enjoy the route in the opposite direction back to Union and I-44.

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  Earn McR Points
November 24, 2020
900 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
One of my favorite roads in Missouri. It's great for opening up the throttle and cruising through the sweeping turns and hills for an hour or so.
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