13 in Missouri of 97 Routes 38 Miles 0 Followers
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By RWarden (5 McR Points) on Sep 09, 2012

Rider Reviews

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captain randy
12 McR Points
We rode Hwy 160 from Doniphan to Alton on…
82 McR Points
I rode HWY 160 all the way across southern MO in…

Written Directions

From Alton, MO HWY 160 heads east to Donaphin, MO


While the beginning of HWY 160 starts out of Alton fairly mild, the road soon opens upto Missouri farm land and travels thru the southern portion Mark Twain state park, there are scenic views all along the drive. Between the curves and slight elevation changes, the 55mph speed limit is but a suggestion. Most of the curves are marked with suggested speeds between 30-45mph and would prove difficult to maintain the posted speed limit. You'll encounter farm vehicles, transport trucks are few and is widely used by the local residents. Seldom have I've found too much traffic to contend with and is well worth the effort finding and getting to this section of HWY 160.The road is in good shape for the most part but you need to be aware of construction on the side roads. There is a park on the Eleven Point river about halfway between the two towns for a rest or restroom break. Watch out for the wildlife as well as any domestic animals that might venture into the road I've had deer and goats on or in the roadway that'll surpize you coming out of any of the many curves offered. HWY 160 is one of the better roads to ride in my opinion in the state!

Drive Enjoyment

Many sweeping curves and slight elivation changes to keep you entertained. The road in general looks to have been resurfaced within the past five or so years but do watch for tar snakes that seal a few cracks in the western portion of the road.

Tourism Opportunities

Not many if any fuel stops but there is a park on the Eleven Point river to take a break at with the normal park restrooms available

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captain randy
12 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
We rode Hwy 160 from Doniphan to Alton on Memorial day this year. Awesome road. Must have been turtle migration weekend because they were all over the road. Great road, nice curves and hills.
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82 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I rode HWY 160 all the way across southern MO in 2005. Was a really great ride I'd love to do it again some day. Good road surfaces, little traffic, and a great ride!
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Donald Reischman
30 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is indeed a beautiful stretch of road. Elevation changes, while numerous, are not too radical. Not all of the turns are speed-marked, so use common sense and look ahead. Most all curves give enough visibility to plan ahead. The canoe outfitter/store on the east side of the Eleven Point River bridge are very nice country folks. Say hi to Mike! In my opinion, the road surface quality is what makes this ride enjoyable. It is in very good shape. We rode it both ways the week of 10-10, and I found very little wrong with it. Allow extra time when figuring, as you won't want to average any where near 55mph on the route. Ride safe!
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217 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
to bad Missouri is not a helmet free state
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