57 in Missouri of 97 Routes 19 Miles 0 Followers
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By mchance (950 McR Points) on Jul 31, 2020

Rider Reviews

950 McR Points
I rode this route as part of the Kirkwood HOG…

Written Directions

Take Hwy 100 west from Hermann, MO to the intersection of Hwy 100 and Hwy N, approx. 3.7 miles past Gasconade, MO. Turn left onto Hwy N. In 9.6 miles, turn left to stay on Hwy N. In 9.2 miles, you will arrive at the intersection of Hwy N and US 50, approximately 7.6 miles east of Linn, MO


This route goes through mid-Missouri, in the rolling hills of Osage County. The route is entirely rural, and offers great opportunities for both spring flowers and fall foliage.

Drive Enjoyment

The road is a typical rural Missouri state maintained "letter" route, with primarily "chip and seal" pavement that is well maintained. It has the rolling hills and twisting turns typical of rural mid-Missouri, with frequent turn combinations.

Tourism Opportunities

The start of the route is between the towns of Gasconade (home to the USS Aries Museum) and Morrison. The route ends at US 50 near Linn, and about a half hour east of Jefferson City, MO.

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950 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I rode this route as part of the Kirkwood HOG chapter's 2020 Iron Butt Ride from St. Louis to Springfield, MO. I frequently ride Hwy 100 from Hermann to Linn, but had never taken the left turn before Morrison onto Hwy N. Nice hidden gem in Osage County.
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