22 in Idaho of 34 Routes 116 Miles 0 Followers
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2 Reviews

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By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points) on Apr 09, 2012

Rider Reviews

10 McR Points
Everything in the description is right on about…
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45 McR Points
Did this in 2020 july Some parts of 8 were…

Written Directions

As you leave Moscow, Idaho, go north on Hwy. 95 to the junction of Route 6, turning east toward Potlatch, through Princeton and Harvard to Emida. At the junction of Route 3, turn south toward Clarkia and Bovill, then turn right at Bovill onto Route 8, returning to Moscow via Deary and Troy.


This drive has everything and is a fast favorite with local riders. Between Moscow and Princeton, you ride through farmland with fields and prairie in every direction. Past Princeton, the road climbs into forested areas until you enter the St. Joe National Forest just outside of Harvard. From here to Deary, your ride is through close, mountainous forest with views of valleys, cliffs, rivers and an abundance of wildlife. Deer, elk and moose are common sights along the roadway so use caution. Once you come down out of the mountain into Deary, you return to the farmland and prairie views that lead back to Moscow; Along the route: Palouse Prairie, foothills of Clearwater National Forest, Palouse River, White Pine Scenic Route; Near the route: Hobo Cedar Grove Botanical Area.

Drive Enjoyment

he road between Moscow and Bovill is paved and in good condition, with a 5 mile straightaway at the outset leading into wide, sweeping curves throughout the remainder of the ride with the exception of a 5 mile straightaway just outside of Deary. The road between Bovill and Dear in less maintained than the rest of the roadway; it is paved, but has potholes and is rough on the edges so some caution is called for.

Tourism Opportunities

We suggest a fuel stop before leaving Moscow. A wide choice of dining options in Moscow including wineries - the Friendship Square on Main Street offers a number of local favorites. The Helmer Store & Cafe in Deary serves up a burger worth the drive.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

To learn more about the MANY travel and recreation activities in North Central Idaho check out the North Central Idaho Travel Association website For current Idaho road conditions check out Idaho Transportation Department Road Conditions

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10 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Everything in the description is right on about this ride. Beautiful country and very little traffic for the majority of this loop. I will say, however, that I was freezing my hands off in the mountains of the national forest in mid March. Today was a solid newb lesson in being well prepared for a longer ride.

Also, the folks at Helmer Store and Cafe were really nice. They set me up with a cup of coffee and a seat to warm up. I'll definitely be trying their food next time.
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45 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Did this in 2020 july Some parts of 8 were being chipsealed. Still fun ride
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