1 in Germany of 2 Routes 150 KMs or 93 Miles 0 Followers
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By MCR Contributor (1039 McR Points) on Dec 19, 2011

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Written Directions

Start your ride in Bayrischzell, Germany and head east on B307 and in Oberaudorf, turn left on ST2089 and head north (follow the Google map directions above for a more detailed description). Stay heading north through Flintsbach, and through Brannenburg and get on to R025 which will head north and then abruptly turn east. Take that till it runs into 15 in Raubling where you want to go north on 15 until you get up to A8 heading east. Take A8 and then exit 105-Frasdorf toward Aschau (heading southeast). Take that to Aschauer Straae/ST2093 where you want to take a left on to ST2093 and follow that in to Bernauer Straae/RO14. Now you need to get on 305 heading southeast down to Grassau and on to the end point of Berchtesgaden. Berchtesgaden is a fabulously beautiful portions of Germany and home to The Berchtesgaden National Park.


The beauty along this route is stunning. Some of the best scenery in all of Germany! You'll be driving through the Chiemgau Mountains. There are sections passing through lush forest and verdant pastureland with breathtaking mountain views all around. If you enjoy interesting architecture you'll love seeing the "onion-domed" churches along this path.

Drive Enjoyment

Some sections of the road get conjested as they travel through some of the towns along the way but there is always plenty to see while you are passing through the urban areas. As the Alpine Road opens up into the rural and particularly mountain/valley areas, the turns and elevation changes are spectacular. Overall the road surface conditions are good.

Tourism Opportunities

Along this way you'll pass through many towns with great things to do and see. Grassau is an old health resort town with lovely Bavarian architecture and craftsmanship on display. Further down the road you'll pass through the village of Reit im Winkl, a charming ski village town with great hotels. Further down the path you'll pass through Ruhpolding which offers a bounty of mountain related amenities such as hiking trails that lead you past traditional mountain inns and to cliffs that offer ideal launching points for hang-gliders. The area also has 40 golf courses to choose from. In Berchtesgaden you'll see the castle (Wittelsbach Schloss) of the last king of Bavaria houses a collection focused on the King's son - Crown Prince Ruprecht. And there is a local salt mine that allows tourist to travel 1 KM deep below the surface to see a salt deposit and ride across and underground lake in a boat finished with a train ride back to the top.

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