26 in Georgia of 30 Routes 130 Miles 0 Followers
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By smoking herb (20 McR Points) on Apr 05, 2023

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Written Directions

From Union City Take SR138 till it turns into SR92.SR92 turns into SR154 and once you come to traffic circle just outside Campbellton. take SR166 Stay on SR166 for 40+ miles and enjoy the country side. Once you get into Carrollton you will come across US route 27. Turn Right. Take US27 till you reach US route 78. Turn right and follow this for 30+miles. You will come across Full Throttle Road House bar and grill in Austell. Us 78 will take you into Atlanta or there are plenty of other routes if you turn right to head south to keep you from the City. If you know the city it adds miles to this route


Farm land between Union city and Carrollton. Movie studios in Union city Plenty of gas stops and restaurants

Drive Enjoyment

The southern section has sweeping curves and some smaller hills. This is very enjoyable. US 78 has alot of red lights to contend with. Shopping and food is all along this section. There are Motorcycle shops close to most of routes on the northern side of this. Most of this route is good Pavement.

Tourism Opportunities

Movie studios in Union city. New movie studios coming to Douglasville. Tyler Perry has a house not far off the route before you get to Carrollton. You can stay on SR166 all the way into Alabama for lake side run.

Motorcycle Road Additional info

Full throttle Road House Bar and grill is a usual hang out 7 days a week with good food. Off of US78 you will come across SR6. if you turn right Harley Davidson of Atlanta will be on the right about a mile on SR6

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