Overall Route Rating
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3 out of 5 Rider Rating 3
1 Review

Motorcycle Route Author

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By mchance (900 McR Points) on May 12, 2021

Rider Reviews

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50 McR Points
August 14, 2021
make sure you get to the ferry before it stops…

Written Directions

In Harrison, AR, take your best route to the intersection of US 65 and AR-7 North (N. Chestnut St). In 0.2 miles, turn right onto E. Prospect Ave, then, in 0.1 miles, turn left onto N. Rowland St. (following the signs for AR-7). Continue on AR-7 for 18.8 miles. Turn right onto AR-14. In 1.1 miles, turn slightly left onto AR-268 (Locust Rd). In 5.6 miles, turn left onto AR-125. You will reach the Peel Ferry in 7.3 miles.


The route starts in some residential neighborhoods, but quickly transitions in to typical northern Arkansas countryside, with farms and woods.

Drive Enjoyment

The road is well maintained throughout the route. The route is curvy without being challenging, with frequent moderate elevation changes.

Tourism Opportunities

Harrison, AR, at the start of the route, has many shops and restaurants. While there is nothing of note along the route, the destination is the Bull Shoals Lake and the Peel Ferry (which is free), which crosses the lake to the Missouri side of the lake, where you can continue on MO-125 (another McR described route).

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August 14, 2021
50 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
make sure you get to the ferry before it stops for the night its a long return trip
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