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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
No disrespect to Texas- but after reading all the "breath -taking" reviews about the 3 sisters, i had to chime in. We spent a week riding the area and had a GREAT time. The people were the best. But I must admit I was a little underwhelmed with the quality of the roads (not smooth) and did not enjoy so many blind slow curves. There were more straights than I expected also. We made the journey from Florida because we kept hearing how great the riding was. And it was nice- but not near as great as people say ( in my humble opinion). Then we went to the Smokies - there i was absolutely blown away. To me the Smokies are a 10 while the Hill country, in comparison, a 2 or 3. I write this to be the only person to say," don't get your hopes up" and if you can choose just for riding, choose the Smokies. Otherwise Texas was one of the best vacations we ever had.

Thanks - and don't hate - just my opinion
93 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I have met people from all over the world who have come to ride the Sisters. Don't miss Frio Canyon just west of Leakey on FM337. It is a small Motorcycle Mecca in this area. Bikers and Motorcyclists welcome and friendly. A couple of important tips, FM337 between Medina and Leakey is technical, with long lulling stretches of predictable twists, until you get to the "Gulch" or "Gap" going west it is a mean decreasing radius after a sweet set of sweepers. Heading east it is a tight turn that opens up to an off-camber hump, and I don't know which is worse. For folks from urban areas FM336 is a "Free Range Cattle" area, which is Texan for no fences, and the occasional cattle guard (RR tracks 6 feet wide). About half of the cattle guards are on a curve. Also very important keep your eye out for a guy with a camera next to a Goldwing. He takes pictures of riders as they pass by and then you can buy them at txmotofoto.com I have several.
38 riders found this road review useful
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35 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This ride is one of the top ten rides in the nation. It has it all. Scenery and challenge. The scenery is certainly beautiful especially in the spring. Not too hot and trees and cactus in bloom. The people in the area are glad to have you there and are friendly. The road surface itself is in fair to good conditon. The curves are many and sometimes surprising. We saw no livestock on the road at all but the possibility is there. Unexpected trips off the road will surely result in seriuos injury and the cushion is large sharp rock. If you leave the road you will get hurt. The road lulls you to over confidence then jumps up to bite. This ride is not for beginners at all as the speeds can get too great leading into a sharp curve. The roadside amenities are limited so be sure to fuel up when possible. The state of Texas needs to put more marked pull outs on these roads for rest and photos. There are good food and fuel in Leakey plus a great motorcycle food/music/shop just west of Leakey. This road should not be missed by serious motorcyclist.
28 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
My wife and I are new riders on our new FLHXS . We drove down with experienced riders and i must say for a novice rider I did extremely well. We stayed at the Super 8 Hotel in Kerville and drove to Medina on 16 . We decided to run the Sisters backwards and hit 337 1st. There is a review on this page stating that 16 is just as challangeing as the sister's and that is accurate. 337 was my 1st test. It was a blast , steep climbs , sweeping turns a switch back and a very very fast descent . I did not see any steep drop off's , because i was focused on on the road. My wing woman (spouse) was on the rear. I used all skills learned in motor cycle safety course and must say it paid off. My wing woman says the view was awesome, the turns awesome and as you were turning you could see other bikes moving out of the turns in front of you . We both agree 337 was our favorite. We stopped at Frio Canyon Motorcycle Store to rest. The accomodations were excellent. Service fantastic, restrooms clean and you could fill up for gas there . On to 335. Ranch Road 335 was less challangeing than 337 , not very steep , very few sweeps but there was lost of hills that you could fly over .335 was like being on a adult roller coaster. We stopped at Two Fat Boys in Camp Wood Texas for a bite to eat. We had Chopped Brisket Sandwiches, a bowl of beans, and a tall glass of water. The food was awesome. The service was outstanding I highly reccomend this stop for all. On to 336. This ride was fun not as challangeing as 337 or even highway 16 , but watch that switchback after the 4th or 5th cattleguard. Its like being in a slingshot , it was fast as hell and fun like no other. After that switch back make sure you stop at the top of the hill about 2 miles ahead and take a photo of the valley with your bike and friends . The rest of 335 was a blast. Over all this run could be dangerous if you don't pay attention to what you are doing, and if someone drives out of their lane into oncoming traffic. Ammenities were excellent every where , unless you are a snob ! Watch your speed !
26 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
It was one sweet ride. Just make sure you keep your tank full of gas because there is not alot of gas stations around. And pack your swim trunks for a quick dip. Will be doing it again. And also stop by the Motorcycle spot and get your shirt saying you had ridin three twisted sisters.
23 riders found this road review useful
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
I started riding "The sisters" and all around this part of Texas in 1982.
Back then there were even less amenities and almost never any other motorcycles. My wife and I had our own little world to ourselves.
Not really biker friendly back then, mostly hunter friendly and geared for the hunters. That did not stop my wife and I we loved it so much. We would camp on the South Llano River by the 2nd crossing down stream from Telegraph, TX....a ghost town now. Telegraph store was open had gas, snacks, ice and ice cold Lone Star. We rode 335, 336, 337 and many of the other great roads in the area every trip and we went 10 trips every year. The cattle guards are not a big deal, if you are freaking out about cattle guards you probably shouldn't be riding these roads. Just slow down and ride straight when you approach until you get used to them. Some of the best riding in the country, swimming holes, campsites and much better amenities now. I can remember in 1981 trying to get a motel in Junction and was told "motorcycles not allowed". 33 yrs later they are rolling out the red carpet for motorcycles! We bring $$! This area is so popular now in the Spring there are too many bikes! LOL.. We ride it now in the Summer....less traffic.
I knew in 1982 when we stumbled on this area that it was such a great place to ride that one day word would get out and eventually it would become a mecca for riders. We were certainly not the first to ride this area but it certainly wasn't well known. We love the roads, the people, the views and the freedom you feel when there. After all these years the excitement of each coming trip puts a little more skip in my steps!
Know your bike's limits, know your limits and certainly stay focused, stay safe!
20 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Great Route... Of course you need to be very careful... if you go down, either you die by going over a cliff or by hitting the memorial white cross from someone else who has died there before... not some roads for novices...
18 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Took this ride on my Wing this Sept. 08 and found it to be everything I expected. The scenery is absolutely spectacular. The two sisters that are made up of 337 and 335 are the most challenging. Be aware of possible gravel in sharp turns and rocks fallen onto the road. Do not make this run at night , you can't see the deer in the road! If you are an experienced rider and you haven't run the Sisters, you haven't run the best that Texas has to offer!
16 riders found this road review useful
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
A group of the 8 riders in our family (including the wife and I) set out on a road trip from North Central Texas to "do" the 3 Twisted Sisters in late April 2013. We stayed in Kerrville after arriving in the area, and then early Saturday morning we took 16 south to Medina and began on RR 337. They were all on newer bikes (we ride a '93 FLSTC)and my bro-in-laws and cousin and LOVE to ride fast. We, being a little more laid-back, like to take things smooth and easy and averaged about 25 MPH slower than they did on the long sweeps and straightaways. We often found ourselves alone riding in some of the prettiest countrysides in Texas and were also passed by some of the fastest riders in Texas who just wanted to see how fast they could find one of the 10 MPH curves. Be sure to stop at the Frio Canyon Motorcycle Stop for a burger and t-shirt. We had a great time and if you have the time after you do the whole 150 mile circuit, take 83 north out of Leakey, catch 39 east, and see some more beautiful sites along the different branches of the South Fork of the Guadalupe River. This stretch isn't considered part of the 3 Twisted Sisters route, but it ought to be. It is so green there in the spring, you'd think you were in East Texas. Word of advice: Don't do this ride if you have not been riding consistently for a few years - these roads are VERY deceptive and you could find yourself impaled on a white cross dedicated to someone else who didn't respect the road and their abilities (or lack thereof). Gas up EVERY chance you get, and think of investing in a Reda Can - a one gallon gas can that can be stored in a saddlebag. You may not need it, but some poor rider who ran out of gas you find stranded will certainly appreciate the kindness. Also - part of this ride (parts of RR 335 and RR 336) are in an "Open Range" county and livestock are not behind barb wire. "Open Range" in Texas means this: In a "non-Open Range" county, if you hit livestock - it is the livestock owner's fault. In an "Open Range" county, if you hit a livestock... it is YOUR fault. So, if you have at least moderate experience (a few years at least) and at least moderate skills, go ride the most entertaining and beautiful route in Texas. Peace >
14 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Had heard and read about these roads for years, so my expectationswere very high, which usually sets you up for a let down. Man, not in this case! the roads were amazing. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking. The stops along the way were nothing but great food, and very biker-friendly folks. Based out of Koyote ranch...a little pricey, but great food, rooms, and service.
13 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Have ridden the Sisters on three trips this spring. The ride from Kerrville on Hwy 16 to Medina and then west on 337 to Leakey was as much fun as the Sisters - and much more challenging. Take Hwy 39 to Hwy 83 from Kerrville for a nice ride to Leakey if you want to avoid the 1st gear, straight uphill switchbacks on 16.
13 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
12 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
This ride is on my top five for Tx. But since I'm coming from Houston, I don't think I'm going to waste my time on 41 or 336 next time - just up and down 335 and 337. 336 is simply a death wish since cattle and deer freely meander accross it not to mention those damn cattle guards.
11 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Rode the 3 sisters Friday and Saturday October 17th and 18th 2008. What a great ride, the scenery is fantastic. The cattle guards do take away from the ride but not bad. Just slow down a little. Do be careful in the twisties. Our ride captain went down on Saturday. He came over the top of one of the hills to find the road made a sharp right turn. He went off the road and crashed. He will be ok, broken femur and a bruised ego. So be careful and enjoy what I think is the best riding in Tx.
11 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This was a really great ride. I have to say, though, that putting the Texas Hill Country in the same league as the Blue Ridge Parkway, Beartooth Pass, or San Juan Parkway is not realistic. Those roads are SPECTACULAR while this one is really, really nice. The road surface is pretty good and the scenery is nice. Trying to put the scenery in the same category as Western North Carolina or the Rockies is just silly, though. Let's be reasonable about how we rate these roads if you want to be taken seriously.
11 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Being a winter Texan I have ridden the "Three Sisters" at least five times a year for over ten years now. Having ridden in about 30 diffwerent states I rate the "Three Sisters" right at the top with all of my favorit rides. I just cant get enough of those three highways, especially the "Roller Coaster" 335, and the 16 mile stretch between Leaky and Vanderpool that we call the "Twisted Sister"
10 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I have to add my 2 cents. While we enjoyed riding the Hill Country and the Sisters, I must agree with a couple of riders who suggest that most other riders are really over-rating this when compared to other area's like the Smokies. The best comment was if you give the Sisters a 4 or 5 you would need to give Cherohala or Blue Ridge a 50.. Plus there are so many distractions to worry about in Hill Country like deer, blind curves and falling rock. I would have been just as happy in a car- totally unlike how I would feel in Smokies. Love Texans, and the food is the best - just not the riding.. PS.. scenery with all the rivers is really nice
10 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I have never had as much fun with my clothes on. 14 bikes in our group and we rode all three sisters in both directions over two and one half days. Stayed at Camp Wood and had a wonderful time. The roads were great except for the cattle guards on Hwy 336. Watch out for them. Weather was great for us and there is plenty of places around to get gas food and drinks. Remember this is for riding, not for lounging about in a drinking establishment.
9 riders found this road review useful
4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
The best ride I have ever been on and no I have never had the pleasure of riding in Tennessee or North Carolina. I started from Kerrville, to Medina, Vanderpool, Camp Wood, Rocksprings then out 41 and down 336,back to Vanderpool to the Lone Star Motorcycle Museum then back to Kerrville. For the best riding pleasure I suggest leaving at dawn, I began at 6:15 in the morning in June 2016. The sun coming up over the hill behind you will add fantastic lighting to the hills especially when everything is nice and green. BEWARE deer are very thick in this area so do not be in a hurry, take your time and enjoy.
Gas can be purchased in Leakey, a small country store in Vanderpool and in Rocksprings.
The hills can become quite steep and some of the curves can be very tight, this is NOT for beginners. If your riding with someone who doesn't posses the skill to ride Pikes Peak this might be too much as well. Not the elevation of the Rockies but the twist, turns and the grade of the road will be very similar. This ride is a nice workout. I rode my Yamaha Warrior 1700 on this trip but my 900 Vulcan Custom would have made the trip just fine so a muscle cruiser is not a must but will make taking some of the steep climbs a little easier. The road condition is excellent but no shoulder the vast majority of the ride and not a lot of pull off areas for photo opportunities so a GoPro or similar mounted camera would be great for taking your photos. Take your time, enjoy the ride and above all be safe.
7 riders found this road review useful
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I've relocated from Eastern TN to SE TX and have really enjoyed riding the Hill Country, including the 3 Sisters. Great scenery and nice remote location with fun roads. Although I must say there is no comparison between these roads & those of the Appalachian Mtns of TN, NC, & GA. Not criticizing at all, just observing as a result of 45 years of touring, adventure, and off road riding. The Tail of the Dragon, Cherohala Skyway, Moonshiner 28, etc are far and away more challenging and more scenic. Still love the Hill Country, but if this is your #1 ranking, you've never ridden the Appalachians
7 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
My wife and I rode this route on Wednesday on our Heritage Softail Classic and it was a beautiful ride. Lots of twists and turns with plenty of steep climbs. Not for the novice rider. Highly recomend this as a must ride.
6 riders found this road review useful
34 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
For those comparing an eleven mile stretch of road in the Smoky's to the 100 miles plus Twisted Sisters, I can only say "Have Fun on Your Fifteen minute ride"
6 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
The Three Sisters are a great ride, but ya need to know your limitations. Lots of chances to ruin your whole day. I've ridden the roads in North Georga, Tennesse, & North and South Carolina. Those roads are great too, but they always have a bunch of car traffic. The Sisters are pretty near deserted. I live very close, so I get to ride these roads every weekend. Ya gotta ride "The Twisted Sisters", at least once.
6 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Rode the three sisters and dropped in at the Lone Star Motorcycle Museum. Stayed at Garner State Park. The area is everything it's cracked up to be. Sure you have to watch for critters and loose gravel in places but the cattle guards are no concern at all - Not sure why people are concerned about them. Do not ride this area at night if you can help it. There are deer, turkey and other unpredictable animals all over the place from dusk onwards.
6 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
This is some of the best riding TX has to offer. Amenities are mostly camp grounds and cabins, but that is definitely part of the experience.

Why did I only give this place a 3? Because in the grand scheme, TX just doesn't have any great motorcycle roads. If I rated this a 5, what would I rate the Tetons to Yellowstone route or almost every single backroad in Appalachia. Just saying.
6 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I rode along route 16 from Kerrville to Vanderpool (Lost Maples was bueatiful) through Medina and Bandera, stopping over at Koyote for a well needed break. Best ride I have ever taken and the scenary is spectacular. Why go to Colorado when you can experience this in Texas.
5 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I rode this with a group of 27 bikes in November of 2007. It was an absolutely breath taking ride. My V-Rod loved the turns and the scenery was incredible. I highly recommend this as a weekend ride for single or group riders. True that on the stops so load up your saddlebags and definately fuel up in Leakey.
5 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Me and two buddies rode twisted sister on 5/17/08, about 5 miles of 337 is still tow-up just before Leakey. Koyote Ranch in Medina is a great meet and start and stay place. The best ever! You won't regret it. We gona do it again real soon. Matter a fact, One of my buddies went back to Leakey this weekend, from Houston just because he forgot a T-Shirt. Now....if that don't impress you I don't know what will.
5 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Wife and i of 45 years decided we needed to do this before more time passes. Boy was it enjoyable. The " sisters " has more beauty than one deserves. Sadly there was a fatality on 336. I cannot stress enough that the twisted sisters is not for the novice. If you don't have a bunch of seat time, stay off it. Saw quite a few of "kids" on the crotch rockets and am amazed there is not more fatalities. Anyway was very enjoyable and planning on going back for some of the other rides in the hill country.
5 riders found this road review useful
9 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Went to the Hill Country in 2014 to ride the Three Twisted Sisters, and was "under-whelmed" at the experience. Had done the Dragon at Deal's Gap, Chereohala Skyway, Pacific Highway 1, and several great roads in Arkansas. The ride down Hwy 16 to begin the Three Sisters was a much more challenging road. Disappointed that this ride is so highly rated. Since then, we've done Beartooth Pass, Million Dollar Highway, Going To The Sun, Chief Joseph's Highway, and Highway 101 down the Washington and Oregon coastline. Sorry, but the "Sisters" just doesn't measure up to your rating.
5 riders found this road review useful
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22 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Enduro
Loved the ride. Some turns can be tight but not too difficult. What sets this route apart from most others is the length of the ride.
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Bike nut1
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
My goal is to ride the top 100 routes in the country, and I have been on about 30 of them. This is a fun road but does not deserve to be ranked even in the top 20.The people are great and it's a fun loop,but as far as scenery goes it doesn't really compare to the others. It's just my opinion.
5 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Rode The Three Sisters 09/06/09 on my 1981 Gl500I along with my brother and his Kawasaki 1500. We had a blast! What a great run. We didn't know Texas had it in her. We rode up from San Antonio on the advice of some bikers we'd met in Bandera earlier in the day and just thought we'd check it out. I've been riding for years and my brother just started. I'm used to riding in N.C. Va. and Oh. and haven't seen anything better. Novices beware! Them speed limit signs are for you.
4 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
3/12/11 My riding buddy and I rode from Juntion, TX down 377 to 41 then south on Ranch Rd 335 to Ranch Rd 337 then rode east to Leakey, Tx. We then headed north on 336 to Hwy 41. Then East on 41 to FM 1340 east to 39 then 27 to Kerrville. We ate in Kerrville then headed south on 16 to 337 west back to 335 then headed north to 41 west, then north on 377 back to Junction. We rode from 6:30 am to 7:30 pm for a total of 335 miles on Saturday. It was an amazing ride. Temp's ranged in the morning from mid 50's to upper 70's mid day. At the Frio Canyon Motorcycle Shop we stopped and talked with a group of South Texas American Legion riders riding the sisters also. When we arrived back in Junction we were tired,,, but couldn't wipe the smiles from our faces. I suggest any avid rider who wants a day of amazing riding and site seeing,, Ride the Three Twisted Sisters and Hwy 16 from Kerrville down to 377. A Truly Great Day of Riding.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
My wife and I did the Three Sisters this March on our Kawasaki Versys's. This is a fantastic, challenging, and scenic run with very little traffic. My wife has been riding for three years now and had no issues on this roller coaster. We are from Canada and loved the Texas Hill country.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Did this route Saturday (July 31, 2010) with my son and four other riders. We trekked down from Killeen/Fort Hood and hit the Sister about 3:00, in the blazing heat, and had the time of our lives! My son is going to have a great story with which to begin his Senior year of high school back in Ohio!
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Centex Nomad
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great Ride!! Hands down one of the top 3 in Texas. I started in Medina, leaving my home at 7am & picking up a passenger in Copperas Cove, TX and riding approximately 165 miles to get there. My timing was such that we would eat lunch in Leakey..but what we didn't know at the time was that the restaurant we wanted to eat at was on the return stretch on 337 coming back into Leakey from the north. So filled up with gas & hydrated with cold water, then proceeded north from Leakey on 336 up to TX41, ran west, left on 335, and down...finally stopping at a little roadside cafe called "Angel Wings Cafe". The food was good, but the people were great. Very friendly, from the waitress who was on her 4th day working there, to the customers who just pulled up a chair and started conversating. We finished lunch and proceeded south through Barkesdale where we were told to watch out for the local cop who liked to write tickets, and on to Camp Wood where we picked up the final stretch of 337 leading us back into Leakey from the NW. As we entered Leakey THERE was the retaurant Frio River that we wanted to eat. Oh well, by then we were eager to finish the loop, head back to Medina, and then on back home. For us, it was slightly over 500 miles for the day...about 520 to be exact. But what a great day! This loop is NOT for novices, and I recommend if you want to carry a passenger, do it in the cooler months...not in July like I did. I'll probably be back this summer...but riding solo this time. The views are breathtaking, the people are friendly...and oh yeah, make sure you top off in Leakey because there isn't a gas stop to stop at until Barkesdale... If you ride, and if you live in Texas...you must ride the Sisters!
4 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
September 25th - 27th, 2009 This was a fantastic ride... there were three of us who took off from Austin on Friday - and found the Three Sisters a fantastic ride. The road quality was good (I kept hearing about the cattle guards - but they were smooth smooth smooth) and the road quality was great! Couple that with the awe-inspiring views and fantastic weather and you have one of the best rides in Texas. Also recommend staying in the Leakey area - gives you an opportunity to take your time and appreciate all the area has to offer. Definitely would recommend to anyone who wants to experience one of the best rides in Texas.
4 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I read most of the reviews on this site and I concur with the majority view. The Twisted Sisters come as advertised, scenic and challenging. If you are a sport bike rider like I used to be, then you face a daunting challenge. Do you spend the time looking out over the valleys at the breathtaking vistas, or do you set up the next curve? You really can't do both unless you have all the turns memorized. So be careful. There have been several sport bike riders who have been injured and/or killed within the past few years.

I haven't seen anybody mention the following route which perturbs me a bit. Take hwy 27 west of Kerrville to Hunt. Take 39 southwest to hwy 187. Then south on 187. Be ready for 10 or 11 low water crossing areas. Yes, the traffic and stoplights getting out of Kerrville will be a problem. Other than that though, a very rewarding little side track.
4 riders found this road review useful
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
For my 60th B-day, I decided to venture up from south TX and ride the 3-Sisters. Accompanied by a fellow bike enthusiast, we rode up with quite the anticipation. The experience was more than I expected...more than the ride itself. As others have commented, you must watch your speed. There are ups and downs, tight curves and sweeping curves and beautiful scenery...all mixed together to make a ride that you will remember for years to come.
What I did not expect from this ride was to awaken a feeling that has moved me to return to a passion once forgotten but now rediscovered. I traded in my FLHR "easy chair" for a more thrilling ride...sport touring bike. For me, life on the road seems more exciting and look forward to experiencing the 3-Sister's ride in a different way. Always expect change and be safe out there.
4 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Talk about a great Texas motorcycle ride - this is it! The 3 sisters do not disappoint. A world class route known by most Texas riders as the best the state has to offer and one of the best in the country. Hills Country at its best!!"
4 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Been there, rode that! The three sisters rocks!! I've been riding for just a few years and once I got down here and took this trip, I finally knew experienced what 2 wheels and a great motorcycle road can do - riding bliss! Best ride in Texas hands down and one of the best in the entire US.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Roads well taken care of. Alot of friendly to meet and to help you out. Best place to stay at is D Rose in Leakey. Place's to stop at are The Hog Stop and Motorcycle Stop.
4 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Three Sisters are all the best that Texas has to offer. Many good roads in the area around these as well. Road surface is good, watch for those fallen rocks in the turns when the signs say and the cattle guards on 336 can be tricky, especially the sixth one north from Leakey, at the bottom of a hill on a turn. Ten cattle guards total and this is open ranchland so keep an eye out for critters, cattle, deer and hogs.
The riding is great fun, technical in a few spots, not like the Tail of the Dragon but still pretty good.
Go east on 41 past 336 about 9 miles and you hit Garven's in Mountain Home TX. Good place to get gas if needed and also a unique little store.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
The ride isn't complete until you go from Camp Wood back to Leakey. This is a beautiful ride but be careful from sight seeing because there are lots of hairpin curves.
4 riders found this road review useful
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I, like many other riders on this site, have heard many great things about the twisted sisters over the years. So, I decided to see what all the fuss was about and take the ride down from Wisconsin this summer. Overall, it was a fairly large disappointment. The scenery was beautiful for the most part, but overall the ride was rather boring. The roads offered few exciting twists and turns. There would either be high speed small curves, or slow speed tight curves. Very few pull offs can be found along the way when you feel like a break or want a picture. Though I personally am not all that concerned about amenities, there are very few to be found along the way. I chose the twisted sisters over the dragon tail am very sorry to say so.
3 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
We rode the three sister the week of Aug 1 2008. It was awesome we plan on coming back and bringing friends with us.I have never imagined there was such beautiful scenery in Texas
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
As of the end of September 08, 337 is still under construction for the last 2 miles into Leakey. The rest is great. It is passable, but go slow. Loose gravel. All of the rest of the sisters is in fine shape, and one should not fear the cattleguards. Just slow for them. Camp Wood is a great ending place, or starting for that matter. Gas and food available in every town you come to. Fall is the time to do this!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
I did the Three Sisters riding mid-week during a Texas hot July. Left Kerrville before dawn headed south on Hwy 16 to Medina. Rode all three ladies, then backtracked to Hwy 39 and returned to K'ville following the Guadalupe by way of
Hunt and Ingram. Wore the chicken strips plumb off my new tires. Great ride. Can be a little unsettling for the novice rider.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
The Three Sisters would be MUCH better (safer even) if Texas would put a proper blacktop on it. There are signs strewn throughout tallying the number of fatalities since 2006. On 337 alone, 13 people have died on a 12 mile stretch. I rode that stretch today for my third time and the road surface is a step above loose gravel. While turning my tires were kicking up loose gravel and my tires were not planted. No wonder people are getting hurt of killed. For being the number 1 ride in the state of Texas, Texas should invest in a better road surface during those more technical portions.
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