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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I, like many other riders on this site, have heard many great things about the twisted sisters over the years. So, I decided to see what all the fuss was about and take the ride down from Wisconsin this summer. Overall, it was a fairly large disappointment. The scenery was beautiful for the most part, but overall the ride was rather boring. The roads offered few exciting twists and turns. There would either be high speed small curves, or slow speed tight curves. Very few pull offs can be found along the way when you feel like a break or want a picture. Though I personally am not all that concerned about amenities, there are very few to be found along the way. I chose the twisted sisters over the dragon tail am very sorry to say so.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
As of the end of September 08, 337 is still under construction for the last 2 miles into Leakey. The rest is great. It is passable, but go slow. Loose gravel. All of the rest of the sisters is in fine shape, and one should not fear the cattleguards. Just slow for them. Camp Wood is a great ending place, or starting for that matter. Gas and food available in every town you come to. Fall is the time to do this!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
We rode the three sister the week of Aug 1 2008. It was awesome we plan on coming back and bringing friends with us.I have never imagined there was such beautiful scenery in Texas
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I rode the 3 Sisters the past weekend (Feb. 27 -29, 2009. The only way to describe this is "Breath Taking!" No construction evident, plenty of gas. Be sure to stop in Leaky at the Biker Stop. Plenty of curves, elevation changes and 41 is a good place to "see what you got" so to speak.
I will return within 3 months. This is a ride and a place one who loves riding, scenery and all around beauty will never tire of.
Be safe.
I will return within 3 months. This is a ride and a place one who loves riding, scenery and all around beauty will never tire of.
Be safe.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Excellent ride and lots of variation to make the ride interesting. The views you will experience are comparable to old western movies with hills in the distance and spectacular valleys. The hills can be challenging so don't underestimate the curves, but if you ride within your skill limits this ride is a lot of fun! Locals at The Old Timer were very nice and informative, provided map and overview of what to expect on the ride. Road conditions on 337 were a little rough lots of loose gravel in areas but on curves roads were smooth and reliable. Great scenery and not many cars on trunks on any of the roads which made for a relaxing ride. Check out the motorcycle museum and make sure to stop at the restaurants in Leakey for a bite to eat along the way. Make sure you have a full tank of gas as gas stations are a novelty on on these roads. If you are in the San Antonio area make sure you take this ride!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Northern section of 335 is an unbelievable roller coaster ride! The roads were well maintained and no gravel. The Three Twisted Sisters are the best roads in Texas!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
The Best 100 miles in the U.S.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Wonderful ride, great views, and just about zero traffic. Looking to head back in the very near future!!!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great Ride!! Hands down one of the top 3 in Texas. I started in Medina, leaving my home at 7am & picking up a passenger in Copperas Cove, TX and riding approximately 165 miles to get there. My timing was such that we would eat lunch in Leakey..but what we didn't know at the time was that the restaurant we wanted to eat at was on the return stretch on 337 coming back into Leakey from the north. So filled up with gas & hydrated with cold water, then proceeded north from Leakey on 336 up to TX41, ran west, left on 335, and down...finally stopping at a little roadside cafe called "Angel Wings Cafe". The food was good, but the people were great. Very friendly, from the waitress who was on her 4th day working there, to the customers who just pulled up a chair and started conversating. We finished lunch and proceeded south through Barkesdale where we were told to watch out for the local cop who liked to write tickets, and on to Camp Wood where we picked up the final stretch of 337 leading us back into Leakey from the NW. As we entered Leakey THERE was the retaurant Frio River that we wanted to eat. Oh well, by then we were eager to finish the loop, head back to Medina, and then on back home. For us, it was slightly over 500 miles for the day...about 520 to be exact. But what a great day! This loop is NOT for novices, and I recommend if you want to carry a passenger, do it in the cooler months...not in July like I did. I'll probably be back this summer...but riding solo this time. The views are breathtaking, the people are friendly...and oh yeah, make sure you top off in Leakey because there isn't a gas stop to stop at until Barkesdale... If you ride, and if you live in must ride the Sisters!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
I did the Three Sisters riding mid-week during a Texas hot July. Left Kerrville before dawn headed south on Hwy 16 to Medina. Rode all three ladies, then backtracked to Hwy 39 and returned to K'ville following the Guadalupe by way of
Hunt and Ingram. Wore the chicken strips plumb off my new tires. Great ride. Can be a little unsettling for the novice rider.
Hunt and Ingram. Wore the chicken strips plumb off my new tires. Great ride. Can be a little unsettling for the novice rider.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Uh... where to start... overrated? overhyped? absurdly overhyped? way, way, way overhyped?
I just did this route, and I have to say that each of the three sisters has sections that are outstanding, but ... they're 90% just ugly, flat, plain roads. Each road has one short section where the riding is about as good as it gets in Texas, and you'll know when you're getting to that section because there'll be a sign posted that says something like "warning: 11 motorcyclists killed this year on the next 8 miles" or something like that. So drive carefully, understand that there are deer and mountain goats around there, have fun but don't get killed.
But seriously -- those who are complaining about these roads have a point. It's like going to a two-hour movie and being bored out of your skull for an hour and a half, then there's this one absolutely phenomenal 10-minute scene that you'll be telling your friends about, and then you're bored for the last 20 minutes.
(to be fair though, on each road there's that one 10-minute scene that truly is epically good).
If you want the best scenery and the most smiles per mile, try the 170 between Presidio and Lajitas... that road will blow your mind, and you'll meet God and he'll show you his handiwork. That's a road worth the long drive to get to. The sisters, well, if I lived in Kerrville I'd ride 'em every weekend, but I wouldn't go out of my way to drive any long distance to get to them, they're not worth it overall. Well, I did do it once, because you have to, but I don't see any reason to go out of my way to go back. They're nothing like the Tail of the Dragon, and no, they're not the best roads in Texas, that's either the 170 or Park Road 4.
Some short fun sections mixed in with long, long, long, long boring stretches of nothing. Those fun sections are fun, but their appeal diminishes with how much distance you'd have to travel to get to them. If you travel any long distance (like I did), then ... maximize your investment by finding the good sections and then ride those, then stop, turn around, and ride 'em back, and do that a few times. Don't worry about missing out on all the rest of the Sisters (or that slog on 41 that you have to make to get from one to the other), because there's nothing out there.
I just did this route, and I have to say that each of the three sisters has sections that are outstanding, but ... they're 90% just ugly, flat, plain roads. Each road has one short section where the riding is about as good as it gets in Texas, and you'll know when you're getting to that section because there'll be a sign posted that says something like "warning: 11 motorcyclists killed this year on the next 8 miles" or something like that. So drive carefully, understand that there are deer and mountain goats around there, have fun but don't get killed.
But seriously -- those who are complaining about these roads have a point. It's like going to a two-hour movie and being bored out of your skull for an hour and a half, then there's this one absolutely phenomenal 10-minute scene that you'll be telling your friends about, and then you're bored for the last 20 minutes.
(to be fair though, on each road there's that one 10-minute scene that truly is epically good).
If you want the best scenery and the most smiles per mile, try the 170 between Presidio and Lajitas... that road will blow your mind, and you'll meet God and he'll show you his handiwork. That's a road worth the long drive to get to. The sisters, well, if I lived in Kerrville I'd ride 'em every weekend, but I wouldn't go out of my way to drive any long distance to get to them, they're not worth it overall. Well, I did do it once, because you have to, but I don't see any reason to go out of my way to go back. They're nothing like the Tail of the Dragon, and no, they're not the best roads in Texas, that's either the 170 or Park Road 4.
Some short fun sections mixed in with long, long, long, long boring stretches of nothing. Those fun sections are fun, but their appeal diminishes with how much distance you'd have to travel to get to them. If you travel any long distance (like I did), then ... maximize your investment by finding the good sections and then ride those, then stop, turn around, and ride 'em back, and do that a few times. Don't worry about missing out on all the rest of the Sisters (or that slog on 41 that you have to make to get from one to the other), because there's nothing out there.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Went to the Hill Country March 7-12, 2009. I drive an 883 Sporster HD. Stayed @ D'Rose. The weather turned on us. It was cold & raining. Thank God for no accidents. We had a great time despite the cold & rain. We will defiantly plan another trip to the Hill Country to ride the Three Sisters again, only next time in dry conditions so that we can challenge our bikes and ourselves. The roads will give you a run for your money & not to mention the views of the hillside as an extra bonus.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Rode the Three Sisters two weeks ago (1 Jun 09). Awesome vistas with breathtaking sierras and valleys all over. There are various river crossings at multiple points. Needless to say that the Roller Coaster (335) and the Twisted Sister (337) are exhilarating but very dangerous at the same time, not the type of road trip for beginners or easily distracted folks. Coming from Comal County, the ride was a full day affair. I look forward to one day doing it again !!!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
rode 9/06/09 great ride
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I took my 900 Vulcan on this route a couple of years back along with a few fellow bikers and I can honestly sat that this was an awesome ride! It is breathtaking as well as dangerous; definitely not for beginners. Don't forget to pick up your ' i did 3 sisters shirt" at the ned of the ride-you earned it!!!! Hope to go back during the SA bikefest this month.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Took the ride in 2008. Beutiful country ! Nice ride on BIKE. Lots of hills winding road. Great country.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I rode this recently, and I must say... WOW. That was one of the best routes I have been on so far.
Also, don't pass up 336! That was one of the funnest sections of twisties. I didn't see any deer nor cows that day, there are only a few cattle guards, and they were very smooth and mainly on straight sections of the road. 336 was also very good pavement.
If you have never been on those roads before, take it easy the first time, and you will have a blast!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
First time I ever scraped pegs, and the first time I ever prayed for a break so I could collect myself. Very challenging for any rider, the road demands respect. Obey the speed limit, and constantly monitor road conditions, there may be loose gravel, or even worse, loose animals.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
The wife and I rode the "Sisters" in October of 2010. We were in the area for 4 full riding days and really needed a couple more to get it all taken in.
We had both been riding for a little over 2 1/2 years. I had done around 25,000 miles at the time and the wife might have had a 1,000 and we had both been through the motorcycle safety course. She had done due diligence in going to the parking lots and practicing and done open road time. I was a little skeptical of her riding these roads but she wanted to. So with guarded reluctance I agreed.
The "Sisters" were a blast although I felt a little -cheated- in the fact we rode the roads entirely at the posted speed limits or below. So the twists and turns were not near the experience I would have liked but still it was a great time.
Highway 16 was a scarry thing for me for her with her limited riding experience. We made a dry run in the Suburban before attempting it on the bikes. After the dry run, for two days I repeatedly gave her every opportunity to opt out of making the ride. I thought the road was way out of her experience level but I kept this little tidbit to myself. My gentle dissuasion was to no avail and the ride was a go. Made the trip without a bobble. It is not a trip for the faint of heart if your experience and saddle time is limited. It is a must ride if you and yours are up to it. It is also very helpful (necessary in my opinion) to have communication set. Relieves "MUCHO" anxiety.
Found another great road for scenery and just a fun ride. The "Old San Antonio Highway or Old #9" going north off of Highway 473 east of comfort. It comes out on Highway 290 east and south of Fredericksburg. Very Scenic ride. Found this road by mistake. Was on an outing trying to find Luckenbach and turned too quick. Was a great mistake.
We missed the museum on this trip and a couple of other things we wanted to do. Great places to eat in and around Kerrville. She is wanting to go back. This time with the added goal of taking pictures of all of the beautiful and expensive Ranch Gates fronting all of the Working and Game Hunting Ranches. Also have a new Drift HD movie camera I want to have working for the Sisters and other great roads.
We had both been riding for a little over 2 1/2 years. I had done around 25,000 miles at the time and the wife might have had a 1,000 and we had both been through the motorcycle safety course. She had done due diligence in going to the parking lots and practicing and done open road time. I was a little skeptical of her riding these roads but she wanted to. So with guarded reluctance I agreed.
The "Sisters" were a blast although I felt a little -cheated- in the fact we rode the roads entirely at the posted speed limits or below. So the twists and turns were not near the experience I would have liked but still it was a great time.
Highway 16 was a scarry thing for me for her with her limited riding experience. We made a dry run in the Suburban before attempting it on the bikes. After the dry run, for two days I repeatedly gave her every opportunity to opt out of making the ride. I thought the road was way out of her experience level but I kept this little tidbit to myself. My gentle dissuasion was to no avail and the ride was a go. Made the trip without a bobble. It is not a trip for the faint of heart if your experience and saddle time is limited. It is a must ride if you and yours are up to it. It is also very helpful (necessary in my opinion) to have communication set. Relieves "MUCHO" anxiety.
Found another great road for scenery and just a fun ride. The "Old San Antonio Highway or Old #9" going north off of Highway 473 east of comfort. It comes out on Highway 290 east and south of Fredericksburg. Very Scenic ride. Found this road by mistake. Was on an outing trying to find Luckenbach and turned too quick. Was a great mistake.
We missed the museum on this trip and a couple of other things we wanted to do. Great places to eat in and around Kerrville. She is wanting to go back. This time with the added goal of taking pictures of all of the beautiful and expensive Ranch Gates fronting all of the Working and Game Hunting Ranches. Also have a new Drift HD movie camera I want to have working for the Sisters and other great roads.
2006 VTX 1800c / 2007 Shadow 750 C2F
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Big Bayou
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This was a great ride and I rate it as one of the top rides in the USA. Will be back often.
Also a positive shout out to Browns Motorcycles in Bandera, TX for picking me up (flat) and getting me back on the road so quick! Thanks
Also a positive shout out to Browns Motorcycles in Bandera, TX for picking me up (flat) and getting me back on the road so quick! Thanks
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I took a trip this past Saturday and finally rode most talked about route in Texas. The Sisters did not disappoint! The cattle guards on 336 did not bother me as predicted but there were 2 sections on 336 that had recently been redone leaving a bunch of gravel on the road. Other than that the rode was great. 335 and 337 were my favorite. Lots of sharp corners, canyon wall on one side drop off on the other. Scenery was amazing. Will be heading that way again next month!
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4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Having ridden 35 years and upwards of 46 or so of our states including Hawaii, I don't really see what's that special about the Three Sisters. When you compare it to the rest of the region, it's great, but there is no way this makes my top 10. Not even top 20 in the country. Three of us rode the roads just about 6-months ago. We had good weather and sound machines. I'm not saying the roads are not fun to ride, but they simply don't compare to so many others. I will likely not bother going back unless I'm RIGHT in the region. Maybe I'm spoiled with all these California/Utah/Colorado roads I'm often on. That's just it. A good ride, but nothing special.
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43 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
OMG, this was fun. Not many roads challenge my FJR and me like this one did and the adrenaline keeps flowing. I got into a bit of trouble with a cattle guard placed on a decreasing radius turn on 336 coming but thankfully there was no oncoming traffic to worry about so I was able to recover with only cows to watch my embarrassment. Twisted Sisters has earned its reputation as one of the premier motorcycle routes in the nation in my book. I hope its popularity doesn't end up spoiling it!
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Rented a GS1200 from Texas Motorcycle Adventures in New Braunfels. Great bike, great service. The owner recommended this ride, which was even better tha advertised. Considering all of the riders I saw in the vicinity, I had the Sisters almost all to myself. Road quality was excellent.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
Awesome scenery, ride, etc. Not a lot of opportunities for gas or snacks. Bring water and fill up at every opportunity.
My wife is a novice rider (1 year ~1500 miles), she did fine -- just followed the advisory speed signs.
Did come around a curve into some soccer ball sized rock fall. At the advisory speed of 25 mph, no problem. I could see we're someone carving it at 45 or so would have been in trouble.
Ride safe!
My wife is a novice rider (1 year ~1500 miles), she did fine -- just followed the advisory speed signs.
Did come around a curve into some soccer ball sized rock fall. At the advisory speed of 25 mph, no problem. I could see we're someone carving it at 45 or so would have been in trouble.
Ride safe!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Not agreeing that this is a number 1 road. This trip road San Juan Mtn Skyway and Coronado Trail. Much better scenery, and road condition.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I lived in Houston,TX all my life and have been checking reviews for the best rides in the southeast.I ride mostly east into beautiful Louisiana, and sometimes north tx around Lake Livingston and it's neighboring towns,but nothing could have prepared me for what I seen,experienced during our ride through the TX hill country aka "3 Sisters".This ride had it all,a whole lot of beauty topped with a whole lot of excitement,topped with a side of tranquility.Just know the roads are to be respected,and not for the novice and the road signs are your friends.It would be a shame if you don't start this ride in Kerrville just so you can take FM39 to see a most wonderful route along side of the river.This road is not considered part of the 3 sisters (FM335,336,337) ,but it damn well should've been..FM 335,336,337 (3 sisters),all have their on unique qualities that make them stand away from the rest,even the connecting roads were great. The little towns and people were great during our 3 day stay in the hill country.We did'not get to see (Stone Hinge),the motorcycle museum,or Utopia.We stayed in the "Medina Hight Point Resort",I give it and the people 5 stars..I could go on and about this trip,or why I didn't want to go home,but it would surely bore you.Just know this,I have the best ride in the country in my back yard,and I didn't even know it..What I do know is,I will take full advantage of this ride for the rest of my days,and I recommend you do too..
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Leave tomorrow 7/17/09 to make this run. Will let you know how it panned out.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
This is a very fun road, but be warned it is not for beginners! There are many off camber turns and very sharp curves in spots. The scenery is fantastic and the cliffs do come close in certain spots. I recommend this road for intermediate riders at the least, that said it is a great road and one I will be glad to ride again soon!
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Road the Three Sisters on a stormy Friday, 05/09/14 after reviewing this website. Pulled into Lost Maples St. Park to don rain gear. Had the road to myself. This website had great info on the road!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is a "must ride". I suggest hitting these roads from both directions and don't be to strict on your route. We rode these over two days and even one day hit Bandera looped east to Boerne, north to Fredricksburg (great for lunch) west to Kerrville then started 336 from the north off of 41 heading south to Leakey. When you get back to Leakey be sure to stop at Frio Canyon Motorcycle Shop about 1/4 mile east on 337. Some suggest a stop at Garner State Park but we found it crowded and the water was not clean. A run to Bandera is well worth it as well. Gas, food, lodging and beverages can all be found there.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
I am not a motorcyclist. I drive a BMW 335i and drove down last New Years eve from DFW area to drive RR335. Just wanted to say I respect that bikers will be on this road but if you see a car, please understand this road is great for us automobilists too.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Just returned from riding the three sisters May 8th, 2009 on a Valkyrie. Loved the ride. There were three of us. The weather was perfect. Rodes are great and well paved. Definitely plan to ride this route again.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I've been on this ride twice, it' a blast like everything else in the Texas Hills. The people in the area always treat us good and the food is great!
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501 Wild Elks
4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
After dodging the storms that hit the area to get here, this was everything that I expected and more. Although this is very different from any place I have ridden before the beauty here was remarkable. The only drawback was the lack of services on the route. We spent 5 days here and covered every road around, hit some of the local watering holes, the people of south Texas went out of their way to make sure we were having a great time. What I liked the most was that we were able to relax without cell or Internet service. It made for an absolute relaxing vacation. When you ride this area you most have an open mind and see the beauty that is here. The big ranchs that cover this area have some very exotic animals, we saw giraffes, kangaroos, wallaby, elk, and more different kinds of deer than I can count. We will be back to do this ride again.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Watch your speed and watch for deer. It's like riding a roller coaster. Beautiful.
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7 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
First time on a riding trip with my friends who are also new into group rides. We had a blast.
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197 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I live 30 minutes from the Dragon and other great Smoky Mountain roads/rides. So by comparison Three sisters is about a 2 compared to them. There are long sections of straights between curves, not as much leaning back and forth like in the Smokies. Scenery is nice, but you will spend more time watching out for the hundreds of potholes instead of looking at that. BUT... the Three sisters is BY FAR the best in Texas. The Hill country is great. And there are great places to eat some fantastic BBQ and listen to live Blues in this area. The last time I rode the Three sisters was in 2017. Road pavement was really rough and potholed. Lots of gravel and loose stuff on the roads. Curves are NOT banked and in many cases are blind. Huge pickups rounding curves cross the double yellow a lot. many vertical rises will give negative "g's" so be careful. Great area to visit and really FANTASTIC local people. Don't miss Leakey (pronounced Laykee).
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Richard Herr
12 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Scenic ride. Went in late May into early June and it was 100+ degrees everyday. Check out the Frio River (nice and cold). Had a nice stay at a Mom & Pop motel in Leakey, TX.
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Bob Pate
30 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
The Twisted Sisters are a lot of fun. We've been able to ride it several times now and it has not disappointed us. Route 16 on the way there is a blast of some tight twisties and 'scrapping pegs' is not uncommon.
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Tommy Raborn
64 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
When I rode it, we left out of Kerrville and took 16 down to start, that's a nice ride as well. I enjoyed the differences of the 3 roads, with 336 being more twisty and 335 being more rollercoaster-like.
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20 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Excellent Ride, made this a weekend while working in El Paso.
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Mike Upton
69 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Adventure Touring
Rode from San Antonio over and caught all the legs of the 3 Sisters before heading to Austin and visit my In-laws for Thanksgiving.
Glad I had brought the bike along, but I don’t understand all the signs about Moto related deaths on these roads.
We have a lot more curvy, dangerous and fun roads out West.
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red bud
344 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Adventure Touring
wasn't as exciting as I expected but I really enjoyed it
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Aaditya Walawalkar
16 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Nice route
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Okay. Beautiful scenery but by no means a challenge. Save yourself the boring, straight and hot ride on the northern in. The best part of the ride is from Medina to Leakey and then to Camp Wood. Gas available in Medina, Leakey and Camp Wood. The remainder of the ride is relatively flat, wide curves, and more like a Sunday drive. I'll be back and ride the part mentioned above. In all fairness...this is hillcountry and not mountains like the Ozarks are the Smokeys. Stay in Bandera at Honey's Wildflower Cottage. Wonderful, charming, little place. The owner's father, Tom, lives next door and is a delightful gentleman. Head up to Kerrville in TX16 and have a picnic lunch on the Guadeloupe at the city park. Coolest spot in August in the hillcountry.
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14 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
The Sisters were an awesome ride. We rode the route twice, reversing direction to get the full feel of the scenery. Take heed of the speed limit. Our first ride was through 336 at 8:00am. Sunny when we started north, but heavy mist and wet roads as we went into Leakey coming down the sharp curves. There are also a lot of deer, especially that early in the morning and cows running freely. Great scenery, but keep your eyes out in all directions.
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4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
great ride, lots of curves, amazing scenery. a must do and see. the word here is slow.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I've ridden this and it is a great ride. I hope to do The Three Twisted Sister's many times!
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