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11 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I rode the Beartooth Hwy on August 5, 2011. It was part of a ride from NC to Sturgis for bike week. On the way out, I rode from NC to Cooke City, MT for the express purpose of riding the Beartooth Hwy. All I can say is, if I had ridden from NC to Cooke City, and had ridden the Beartooth Hwy and gone straight back to NC, it would have been worth the trip.

I've ridden a lot of beautiful roads in this country but, the Beartooth Hwy is without question my personal favorite. I'm going back to Sturgis in 2013 and I'm taking a friend of my to Yellowstone just so we can ride the Beartooth Hwy on the way back to Sturgis. This was a ride that was on my Bucket list and making the trip was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Don't miss this road!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Went to Cody, WY in July 2010 for the 70th annual Motor Maids convention. While out there was told that we HAD to ride Beartooth Pass - that it totally rivaled Deals Gap in TN. Based on what my peers were telling me I was terrified to ride it, but excited at the same time. Lots of area without guard rails - just stay focused and you'll do fine! The scenery was breathtaking - many many switchbacks and hair pin curves. Came in through Red Lodge, Montana and went out through Cooke City. Must stop at the Top of the World gift store and take in the scenery. The temp at the bottom was mid 60's but at the top it was 29 degrees and probably about 6" of snow left on the ground. The roads were very clear. Great ride - a MUST!
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Brian Fistler
93 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I give this a rating of 5 if you are travelling east to west, but if you are going west to east I'd only give it a 4. The reason being on the east to west route you are climbing through the majority of the hairpins so you can power out of the corners for added fun. If you are travelling the opposite direction, you will be on steep down-hill sections through most of the fun curves. If you are riding a big cruiser type bike and simply out for a leisurely ride to see the scenery, it might not make much of a difference to you, but if you are in it for the curves on a sport bike, definitely ride it from east to west.
Bring along a jacket liner, as even in early September when I was here, there was still snow on the ground from the previous year, and it was very chilly in a mesh jacket.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
In July 2015 we took a trip to Yellowstone, The Tetons and Glacier National parks. 1st on the agenda and main reason for the trip was to ride Beartooth Pass. We spent a couple of days in Cody Wy. and on the 1st day went up the Chief Joseph Highway to Beartooth Pass and turned east toward Red Lodge. Turning around by Red Lodge so we could see it both directions, we headed back on Beartooth Pass all the way into Yellowstone National Park. The scenery is absolutely stunning and each time you round the next curve it is beautiful. There are plenty of places to pull over for photo opps and to enjoy the views. Bring warm clothing, even in July at 10,947 Feet it can cool off quite a bit. This is a great road and would have been well worth taking the 4200 mile trip for this part only. A must see for all riders.
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187 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
How this isn't rated higher here I do not know. It should be 6 . By far the most scenic / fun / breathtaking rode I have ever ridden. Was actually voted as # 1 motorcycle road in America and I can see why. Rode across this on the 6th of June 2014 and it was absolutely amazing. A must do ! Just note, there was still a lot of snow up there on this date. Had only been opened a few weeks prior to our trip.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I live in Wyoming and try to do this ride every summer. The scenery is beautiful, and the roads are twisty and steep. There are a few hairpin curves, and you have to pay attention, but the experienced rider won't have any problems.

Be prepared for the temperature to be 20 degrees cooler on top of the pass with possible cold rain or even snow, especially early in the summer.

You won't be sorry that you rode 500 miles out of your way to do this ride. It is definitely worth the trip. I rank this up there with Trail Ridge Road and Independence Pass in Colorado.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
we tried to do the pass in late june of 2010..it was cloudy/overcast 64 degrees in red lodge when we left... we could not make it to the summit do to the snow that started to fall (we turned around when the snow accumulated 6-8" on the road. 2 of the 5 bikes i was with went down..as we were travelling slow, no damage to anyone...1 bike broke a mount for the saddlebag.... like the warnings say...the weather can change quickly....will try again next year
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6 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Beartooh is a lot of fun.Did it twice in a day Cooke City to Red Lodge for lunch and then Cody through Chief Joseph.Best to do it during the week,very little traffic.
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Jimmy R
19 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
On a trip from Kentucky to Montana in July 2016, I rode to the top of Pikes Peak, Rocky Mountain National Park, Big Horn Mountains (east to west and west to east), Beartooth Pass and Going to the Sun Road. Of all the roads, Beartooth Pass was the most memorable. I rode east to west and it took me most of the day because I had to stop at almost every turnout to admire the scenery and take some pictures. I have ridden most of the famous motorcycle roads in the US and many in Europe and Australia, but none can compare to the sheer beauty of the Beartooth Pass.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
What a treat! We rode from Yellowstone to Red Lodge in July 2015. Wow, we started with hundreds of Buffalo before we arrived at Cooke City. Lots of services there. We actually saw one more buffalo (walking down the road) as we left Cooke City and headed up the Beartooth Highway. The scenery is amazing. I love the rocky meadows and many lakes by the road. The switchbacks are all so smooth and there are plenty of places to pull over and just sit in the beauty. You'll know what I mean when you ride this road. It can get quite a bit cooler at the top. We had cloudy almost rain threatening clouds but no rain or... We did put on extra gear at the top to keep warm, but didn't really need to. I'd make sure to bring warm clothes just in case. We were well above the snow line. We got to ride back from Red Lodge the next morning. It was beautifully sunny and lots warmer. But it was pretty cool at the top that day too! There is a little store coming down the Cooke City side if you are inclined to buy mementos. Lots of bikers equals great motorcycle road. I saw Harleys, BMWs, Ducatis, Kawasakis, Hondas, absolutely every kind of bike up there. Be careful on the tight curves. This is a very fun road and one of the very top of my list. A Must Do Ride!
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Fantastic trike road. Crossed this pass many times in Motorhomes, Jeeps and Motorcycles. Three wheels is the best!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
went over this last year and found it to be incredable. the view is nothing less than breathe taking, we have lots of roads like this in Canada to ride on, but i will be back summer of 2013 to ride again, this time will spend more time in this area
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187 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
This is a spectacular ride not to be missed if out that way. We rode it on June 6th 2014 and there was still some 12 foot drifts on the sides of the road and lots of snow but beautiful.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Beautiful ride from Red Lodge MT to Cody WY via beartooth Pass and Chief Joseph Hwy/Crandall Rd/Hwy 187 in August 2010.
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27 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
did this ride aug 12 of 2016. simply amazing started in red lodge, and rode to cooke city. in cooke city we ate at buns and beds which was owned by a couple from pittsburgh, having my steeler cap on it was a great time, and good food. if you are ever in the area this is a MUST ride. on the way back to cody we also took in part of the chief joesph, two great rides in one day. the only thing i dont understand is how this is rated below the blue ridge parkway. been on both and it not even close. did 4640 miles in 15 days. took in all the sites and rides in the area. no matter where you go its all great scenery.
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63 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Rode this route summer of 2014 for the second time. This ride has got to be the top ride in the USA. Beautiful scenery, good twisties and good road surface. On this ride the weather was super, but it can change dramatically and at almost 11,000 feet the rain can be cold and wind can be severe. Well worth the time to travel this road even if you have togo out of the way to get there. If going north to south take the Hiway 296 turnoff and travel to Cody, WY. This is another great ride.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
There are four or five rides that everybody should ride at least once in their life.

Bear Tooth Pass coupled with Chief Joseph Hwy. is at the top of the "must do" list!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Rode Beartooth Pass on opening day May 28, 2010. This is the best of the best bar none. Heavy fog coming up the Chief Joseph trek. Once above the fog brilliant sunshine and snow drifts 8 & 9 ft high! Temps were in the 50's in Cody and dropped to 35 on the pass. The spectacular scnenery and sheer adventure of riding the pass the very morning it opened offset the cold temps.

Coasted into Red Lodge and tied up the iron horses in front of a saloon to have a celebratory beer. What a memory! Do this in your first life on earth.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Detoured to Cody on the way to Sturgis in 2013. Rode Beartooth and agree its one of the best. Live and ride in Colorado and we are going back again to ride it this year.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
The Beartooth was the inspiration for our trip from Chicago in late August, 2012. There isn't an adjective to describe the beauty of this road. Be prepared for any weather, even in the summer (it snowed on Beartooth in early August). Well maintained, smooth asphalt. Plenty of pull-outs for stopping. Not at all dangerous or challenging, but extremely exciting! The best ride ever!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
On my trip from NY to Seattle I knew I was going to love this ride. Went from Cody thru Chief Joseph Highway ( a terrific road in its own right) and then over Beartooth Pass. This was the most enjoyable day of riding my motorcycle ever and since.
Wish I had time to go back and do the pass 2 more times before continuing to Lolo Pass. The snow drifts on the sides were over 6 feet in places Temp at end of june were just fine.
A definite must do ride.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
By far the best route into Yellowstone! Spend a day and night in Red Lodge so you can get an early start.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
My boyfriend and I rode the Beartooth in early July, 2016. We spent two weeks riding from Jackson Hole, through Yellowstone. On our next to last day with the bikes, I insisted we do the Beartooth. He had no idea where we were going and followed my lead. We ended up on a fanny puckering ride in the evening to Bozeman...the closest place with a room! The next morning, we headed east to Red Lodge and up the Pass. Holy cow! As someone terrified of heights, I was literally picking the seat out of my crack half way up! Lol Thank God for the GPS, so I knew what was coming. A couple of times I found myself asking where the hell the road went...only to learn it was such a sharp hairpin, it doubled back on itself! When we got to the top, my boyfriend asked if I needed to go to the restroom. I told him I had crapped myself silly and peed myself all the way up. Lol A nice older vet walked over and said, "If you think that is bad, wait till you go down!"' Lol It is a pretty hairy ride if you are height averse, but freaking magical too. There was a heat wave during our time there and we rode from bottom to top and back down in t-shirts. As South Carolinians, this can be our riding gear in JANUARY, so we were surprised to see all the riders looking like they were headed to the tundra, When we stopped for pics at Beartooth Lake, I mentioned how geared out so many riders were and wondered aloud as to why. Someone walked past and commented "First time here, huh?" I understood when less than two weeks after our ride, where temps never dipped below high 60's at the summit, there was a snowfall so heavy that it closed the entire pass! We got lucky to do this fantastic ride but missed CJ Highway This year, we aren't missing a thing...we are hitting BP, CJ Highway, Yellowstone, Glacier, Going to the Sun, Little Bighorn, and a host of other great rides on an epic "Half century Celebration!" Don't wait to do this ride, And, coming into Yellowstone from Cooke City is awesome because you will enter one of the prairies where there are normally thousands of bison roaming free. Again, magical!!!
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Jerry Donna Va
116 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
brother and I spent 2 month riding as many roads as possible listed thru out many web sites
will not go thru the list but in two months it was many

This road leaving Red Lodge camping, was fast to arrive at and about as nice as one would hope for. Take your time stop at ever place you can take pictures but no picture will do it.
take turn heading to Cody if possible
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Rode through here the week prior to Sturgis 2010. Stayed in Red Lodge and rode from East to west. It was an amazing ride and I will definately be back. The town of Red Lodge is nice and Hotels are plentiful. We had no problem finding rooms with no reservations and they weren't very expensive. I've heard good things about Chief Joseph byway that joins up with 212 just outside Cooke City. When I go back, I am gonna try to do both rides together.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I have riden through the majority of the U.S. and consider this the ultimate road to ride. It even beats Going to the Sun in Glazier.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
First time over Beartooth in July 2007, coming out of Lamar Valley in Yellowstone heading for Red Lodge, we hit so much hail that it turned the road into a sheet of thick ice - fun ride!! Second time over in July of 2008 was beautiful sunshine. Awesome ride and fantastic scenery. Hardly wait to do it again!!!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
It's all you've heard about and more. Breathtaking scenery. Be prepared for severe climate changes as you go over the pass. Yes, snow in the summer. Definitely should be on every touring rider's bucket list.
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3 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
We went over the Beartooth with 5 bikes, a Harley Streetglide, a Sporty, 1 sport bike and 2 enduros. They all did fine. The view is spectacular and the road is is good shape. It was August so there were vehicles of all types and drivers of all levels on the road but they did not present any problems. If you make this ride, and you should, give yourself plenty of time to enjoy it.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Great ride. Put on must do list! Dress warm. Serious road construction below lake. Wet, slick, muck. Leave room between vehicle in front of you so you don't have to stop. Gorgeous ride even with the road construction.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Rode this route from Cody to Red Lodge first week June/09 on our way home to Canada and believe it to be outstanding and a must ride. Enjoy.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
212 from Red Lodge to Cooke City was awesome. My daughter and I rode it as part of a 4500 mile trip in the summer '09. The climb is endless and the views are intense. We saw marmots near the summit and were riding between snow fields in July. DRESS WARMLY!! The summit can be very cold. Crossing into WY. there are grizzly alerts which add to the excitement. We did see a few motorhomes but they were't a big issue. A little construction in July but understandable with the conditions this route sees. I knew we were in for a great ride and was not disappointed.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I have been on this ride many times and this is one of the best rides I have ever been on. Catch the ride on a nice day and you will swear you are in heaven.
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62 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Adventure Touring
First time I saw and rode this road was in 2004 when I was at a rally in Cody WY. We went up there with a few riders and took all day to get there and enjoy the scenery. The road is fantastic and while there aren't many amenities, fine by me btw, it is just an incredible ride. I have been back about 4-5 more times as Cody WY is one of my favorite towns as well...
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
My wife and I rode from De. to Ca. and we were told we had to ride the Beartooth Pass and we are so glad we did it was the best ride we did so far. Beautiful is not a good enough word to discribe the experience we had. we are going back this year to Glascier nat.park and we will hit the Beartooth on the way
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Part of my ride home from Sturgis to Maryland via Yellowstone in Aug 1994. Great scenery, perfect weather, just a fantastic ride!!!! A bit cold at the top, started out in a tanktop and had to bundle my butt up!! Stopped at the Top Of The World Store. Camped in a teepee at a motel in Redlodge,( is the place still there?) My ride? A custom rigid/springer 96" stroker shovel with magneto ign. and foot clutch/hand shift. No problems the whole trip! Did wear out my back tire though!Sure would like to do it again sometime.................
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This ride deserves its spot among the best motorcycle roads. I've made the trip several times from Red Lodge, MT to Cody, WY and Yellowstone. Believe me, I plan to ride the Beartooth many, many more times. On your 11,000 foot climb you get a little bit of everything. Unbelievable scenery, weather (hot, cold, sun, snow), lots of bikes, and remember, it is grizzly bear country!! I was last there in 2009 and there was a nice stop at the top known as the Top of the World. Take a break there and enjoy the experience! I can't wait to go back with some friends that have not yet experienced this ride of a lifetime.
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3 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
What an incredible ride! Took the Bear Tooth Pass on my way to Sturgis and it was the highlight of my trip. The traffic was light and the weather was perfect. It's also true about the guard rails. I noticed that on the Montana side, they have guard rails...but on the Wyoming side, not so much. This was a great ride with great views.
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57 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This is among the best of rides in the USA. I rate it just a little higher than the "Tail of the Dragon" at Dills Gap, N.C. Rode it from Cooke City to Red Lodge on July 29, 2011. Stayed at the Red Lodge Inn that night in Red Lodge, Montana. Todd and his wife Linda, owners of the motel were the most hospitable Inn Keepers I ever stayed with.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
BEST!!!! Of all of these!!! Everything you could ask for in a motorcycle road and more. I love it as you cross the tree line and the scenery changes from trees to rocks.
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John Drickey
48 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
70 mph winds at the switchbacks, that was fun! that was 2014
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
I was in the pass on 1 August this year when they were smack in the middle of a repaving project. The black top was so fresh it was still leaking oil, and had loose bits of gravel all over the finished surface that hadn't been cleaned up yet. The other side was a good 6" lower and grooved. Add in the impatient drivers, and it was entertaining.

I was trying to find Bear Tooth Pass Harley Davidson so I could get a T-Shirt. I went the wrong way once I hit Red Lodge. The end result of my mistake was an exciting road, and a couple of high altitude lakes found near the top of the pass I had to take time to get pictures of.

It really was a pretty place to ride through. Watch out for the cross winds though, especially in and near the switchbacks. They were very strong the day I went through.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Have hit 43 of the lower 48 and logged over 140,000 miles. Road from Red Lodge to Logan, Utah best ride ever.
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104 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Amazing stretch of Highway. This is my all time favorite ride.
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4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
August 8, 2015-This is one of the gnarliest rides I have ever done. It was 50ish degrees when we left Red Lodge and there was a chance of rain. The group I was with suited up in leather and raingear due to forecast and drop in temperature with the elevation. It started raining at the Overlook and by the time we topped the pass it was sleeting and 39 degrees. Stopped in at the Top of the World Store to warm up and buy dry gloves and handwarmers. Rode to Cooke City, back to Chief Joseph Highway to Wyoming Highway 129, back up to Belfry, MT and then ended at Red Lodge. I think it was around 171 miles...most of it in the pouring rain. If you have issues with tight cornering and heights take it slow and steady. Awesome view and scenery all the way around. This ride was a bucket list item that I crossed off my list but want to do it again in nicer weather.
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69 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
My absolute favorite road I’ve ridden!
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23 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
09/03/2018. The best ride I have ever done! Scenery is AWESOME! Rode is curvy, fun, and well maintained. Weather was cold, but manageable. The pass had just reopened. Be sure to get the road conditions before you start! Don't go up to find it closed. There is a restroom and overlook about halfway up the pass. Ate breakfast in Red Lodge at Prindy's Place, great omelets. Good parking just across the street. Plenty of services in Red Lodge and Cooke City.
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197 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I ride about 20,000 miles a year. I have done Beartooth four times now. It is my favorite of all roads in the US. And I live 30 minutes from the Dragon. Beartooth has it all, up hill, downhill, curves, switchbacks and views, views views. pulloffs, and forests for picnics. It is less than an hour from Yellowstone or Cody WY. I do not miss this road whenever I am within 200 miles of it. Just do it. Ride it. You will never regret it or forget it.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Absolutely terrific. Do it.
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39 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
the best road in the west
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