Overall Route Rating
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2.5 out of 5 Rider Rating 2.5
3 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By emarzock (5 McR Points) on Sep 23, 2018

Rider Reviews

4000 McR Points
November 25, 2019
Not a huge fan. Better than nothing if you're in…
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4 McR Points
August 25, 2019
This is the best known way you can hack snapchat…

Written Directions

Franklin, PA southeast on PA 322, through Cranberry PA, then turn right onto PA 38, then left onto PA 478 into St. Petersburg. When in St. Petersburg, take a left on to Route 58 and take that South West and into Foxburg, PA.


This is a pleasant route from Franklin PA, ending in Foxburg, a popular lunch and dinner spot for bikers and couples with a great view of the Allegheny River. A little traffic through the retail section through Cranberry PA, but it ends with an uncongested twists and winds of Rt. 38.

Drive Enjoyment

Sweeping curves, a few steep inclines and declines, and not congested at all.

Tourism Opportunities

There is a retail section through Cranberry PA with typical food and shopping. But most of the ride is rural country roads.

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November 25, 2019
4000 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Not a huge fan. Better than nothing if you're in the area, I guess. Certainly more of a scenic cruise than anything other than the occasional sweeper or so.
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August 25, 2019
4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
This is the best known way you can hack snapchat account online and it can be really helpful to peep into someones account of snapchat.
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August 25, 2019
4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
This was really a great way for us. https://fewhacks.com
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