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By sureśh (10 McR Points) on May 29, 2024

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Written Directions

Millstone road likes just south of Route 33 near Applegarth, NJ. From 33 just southeast of Applegarth, find Millstone road and simply take that south all the way down to the town of Millstone about 7 miles or so.


Millstone Rd. in Millstone, NJ, is a scenic road that winds through a mix of rural and suburban landscapes. Here's a breakdown of what you might encounter: Rolling hills: The area is characterized by rolling hills, providing a pleasant and varied terrain. Wooded areas: You'll likely see stretches of wooded areas, offering a sense of nature and tranquility. Farms and fields: The rural aspect shines through with farms and open fields dotting the landscape. Residential neighborhoods: As you get closer to the center of Millstone, you'll encounter residential neighborhoods with houses and yards. Overall, Millstone Rd. offers a picturesque drive through a blend of rural and suburban settings.

Drive Enjoyment

The terrain is mostly flat, with slight inclines and declines. The road is generally in good condition, but there might be some minor bumps and uneven patches.

Tourism Opportunities

There is Jackson premium outlet mall near this strip. Also there is a many horse farms for those who might be interested in.

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