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By mikedebear (19 McR Points) on Apr 04, 2024

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Written Directions

Running the route from east to west, on the western outskirts of Spokane, WA start out on Hwy 291 at the intersection of N. Seven Mile Rd. The road winds alongside the Spokane River and through the small communities for the next 27 miles where it comes to a tee intersection with Hwy 231. Turn left (southbound) onto Hwy 231 and head south for 14.3 miles where you will intersect with Hwy 2. Turn right (westbound) on Hwy 2 for 2.9 miles, and then turn left (southbound) on Hwy 231 for 28 miles until you reach the town of Sprague where Hwy 231 intersects Interstate 90.


The route begins in the western outskirts of Spokane, WA on Highway 291 (aka N Nine Mile road, which then becomes Corkscrew Highway). The route lies along the sweeping bends of the lazy Spokane River and offers great views as you curve along the banks below the rocky cliffs above. The ponderosa pines offer shade here and there, and the traffic is fairly light which makes for a nice ride after work if you don't have a full day to devote to your ride. The Long Lake Dam marks the point where Hwy 291 tees into Hwy 231, and at this point you can either reverse course back to town for seconds of the sweepers or head out into the Palouse for some great views and high speed sweepers for another 45 miles of lightly traveled roads. The Palouse offers rolling hills and creek bottoms through irrigated hayfields and wheat, with the hilltops being salted with ponderosa pine trees and rock outcroppings. The roads wind along with the terrain, and the fast sweepers are largely deserted and lightly patrolled. When you hit Reardan you can jump off the route where it meets Hwy 2 and return to your daily responsibilities, or continue south on Hwy 231 after a brief dogleg to the west. The lazy tempo of the sweepers picks up after the nearly deserted town of Edwall, so be cautious as you enter the trees along the creek- there's a few deceptive curves that have caught riders up who have gotten lulled into higher speed sweeping curves. It's not a jaw dropper of a route, but it definitely leaves you with just enough of a pleasant buzz to banish any lingering stress from the daily grind.

Drive Enjoyment

Great mix of sweepers, sharper corners, higher speed limits, and reasonably decent pavement. Tar snakes are everywhere, so hot summer days can make things interesting if you brake late for a corner. You'll see prolific river vistas from the shade of ponderosa pines and rocky cliffs overhead for the first 28 miles, then break out into the Palouse where the road follows the topographic flow of the land as it curves up and down through the farmlands on the edge of the forest.

Tourism Opportunities

There's food and fuel in several spots along the first 28 miles, and some limited services in Reardan and Sprague- but it's otherwise fairly remote from the intersection of Hwy 231 and Hwy 291 heading south.

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