Overall Route Rating
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4.5 out of 5 Rider Rating 4.5
8 Reviews

Motorcycle Route Author

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By Wing Rider (5 McR Points) on Aug 29, 2011

Rider Reviews

Charles Peterson
115 McR Points
June 25, 2016
Tennessee's US-421, "The Snake", west of Shady…
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2 McR Points
September 25, 2017
i grew up in Sparta, have ridden this road all my…

Written Directions

We took this route on a recent visit to Boone, NC. We drove in pulling our Gold Wing, and returned later in the week to ride it. From Independence, VA follow US 221 for approximately 56 miles into Boone, NC. The road is miles and miles of sweeping curves and incredible views of the evergreen farms and the New River. The speed limit is 55 throughout most of the route, but we barely got above 45 most of the time. US 221 merges with US 421 near Boone. Take this route to get to the Blue Ridge Parkway outside of Boone.


Stunning views of the evergreen farms in the area and the surrounding hills. The New River runs along the route at one point.

Drive Enjoyment

There was some minor road construction around a curve, with some excess dirt and stones on the pavement.

Tourism Opportunities

Once you leave Independence, the next major town is Jefferson, NC, which has an abundance of restaurants, gas, etc.

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Charles Peterson
June 25, 2016
115 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Tennessee's US-421, "The Snake", west of Shady Valley in northeastern TN, should not be confused with US-421 east of Boone, NC. (The Country Store on US-421 is located in Tennessee.)
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September 25, 2017
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
i grew up in Sparta, have ridden this road all my life on sport bikes and more recently sport touring bikes. its a fantastic road. but lately its full of gravel, lovely NC DOT thinks dumping gravel on the roadsides is a wonderful idea, personally i think its a plan to slow motorcyclists down, and it works... just be careful!
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February 28, 2015
65 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Road this in May 2013. I stayed in Boone after a day on theBRP. Road quality was great, very scenic. Lots of hills, turns, farms too. I rode through Wyetheville on my way to Ohio.
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