Georgia's Dragon - The Suches Loop - By Guest

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By Guest (22 McR Points) on Mar 29, 2013
Creator : Carl LaFong
Motorcycle Type : Touring
The Suches Loop makes a nice day ride from Atlanta, and the curves are a lot of fun. For me, Wolfpen Gap Rd. was dicey not because of how narrow it is, but because of the gravel/sand down the middle of the lane the entire 11 miles of the road. Due to the high potential for spinout (and the major consequences of such a spinout), I couldn't really punch through the curves like I would have liked. This debris may be just because of recent snow/ice and hopefully will get cleaned off as the season progresses. Hwy. 129 was in much better condition and uncrowded on a weekday, so I was able to challenge myself more on that section.
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