The Idaho/Montana Scenic Triangle Loop - By IdahoRenegade

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By IdahoRenegade (3 McR Points) on Aug 05, 2019
Creator : IdahoRenegade
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Lots of great options on this route, and other great options in the area. The designated route takes up up hwy 95 to Bonners Ferry, east to Troy, MT, south down the Bull River Road. Bull River is a really nice stretch with some great views. Highway 200 heading back towards Sandpoint is spectacular with some great views across Lake Pend Oreille. Following the designated route, going into Thompson Falls, then over Thompson Pass, through Murray, ID and down the Coeur d'Alene River Road is much nicer than running the rest of 200 to St. Regis (though that is also nice).
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