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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is the best way to the top of the world.Its not for people that cant handle heights though. Watch the weather before you head up it changes fast. I love the trip to the top
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tylr durden
33 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This road is GREAT. Snow prevented us from going all the way to the top, but still...the switchbacks, AWESOME. The views, AWESOME. A MUST ride.
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4 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Great ride. Loved the view from top and trip up.
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55 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great ride beautiful scenery
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217 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
nice ride lots of tourist things a little to much traffic for me I like to look around and not have to watch out for tourists in cars
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48 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Gorgeous ride, but it's such a shame that the smoke from the fires rendered the view to about 40 miles, if that. There is also MASSIVE construction at the top (Summer 2020), so it's not very rewarding. They are also asking motorcyclists to park at mile marker 16 and take a crowded shuttle. However, the ride to that point is still amazing.
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20 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
What a ride. Hot at the base, snowing at the top, an amazing experience two up on the Multistrada.
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Jerry Donna Va
116 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
can am f3
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50 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
What can you except, "Pikes Peak"! Love the sweeping curves coming up Hwy. 24 to the base of Pikes Peak where there is a fee to enter. On the weekends I would get there early or there will be a line to get in. I haven't been up on the bike in the last couple of years due to the construction and having to take a shuttle to the top. I believe I read that should be done in Spring of 2021 (I would check their website). But is it everything you can imagine. Being so high I get winded fast up there and must take it slow (and I live at 6200 feet) so for those not used to the altitude I would suggest drinking a lot of water and maybe even brining a bottle of Oxygen (you can purchase at the drug store). When the new building is done at the top they will still feature the fresh made donuts which are a must have in my opinion. Have fun!
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90 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Did this in August of 2019 and it was amazing even thought I wasn't able to ride to the top due to construction at the top on the new visitors center. Shuttle vans were used from Devil's Playground to the top. I will be back to ride this one all the way to the top. Loved the road, the scenery and the view from the top.
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Gary & Vicky
29 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
It was a bit nerve racking at first with no guard rails, but after you settle into the ride you forget you're heading to 14,000 feet. It's a beautiful ride, but like any other tourist attraction prepare for traffic. they were working on the parking lot when we were there. Cars were made to park in lots below the peak and were bussed up. Bikes were waved on through.
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114 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
absolutely great ride
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