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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This is an awesome ride! It follows the mighty Columbia River with breathtaking views along the way. Winding along you go through many tunnels, great to check how others hear your ride. You will probably pass a train or two on its way into Vancouver.
This ride is easy and beautiful. Stay on the ride a bit longer and get off in the tiny town of Lyle and head up Klickitat road. Amazing switchbacks and stunning views as you come out on top with views of Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood as you meander through rolling wheat fields. this will bring you into the town of Goldendale. There is a Dairy Queen just before you hit Hwy 97. Perfect end to a perfect ride.
This ride is easy and beautiful. Stay on the ride a bit longer and get off in the tiny town of Lyle and head up Klickitat road. Amazing switchbacks and stunning views as you come out on top with views of Mt. Adams and Mt. Hood as you meander through rolling wheat fields. this will bring you into the town of Goldendale. There is a Dairy Queen just before you hit Hwy 97. Perfect end to a perfect ride.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I live in Stevenson Wa. and must say, there are lots of roads worth rideing just off of hwy 14 Washougal river rd (hooks back on to 14 just after the cape, take a right and about a mile west is the veiw point) As far as must see I can't understand why noone said to stop at Beacon Rock State park, make time and hike to the top of the second largest free standing monalith in the world, good spot for a picnic too. The trail to the top is railed and well maintained , bring water and expect to spend an hour hikeing up , and back down, very few better veiws avalible. The Bonneville hot springs resort has an amazing spa with natural mineral water piped in, skip the dinning room. the Skamania Lodge has one of the top 50 golf course's in the U.S., But as far as dinning along the way, a new resturant in Stevenson, MARK'S PLACE, is amazeing,it's just off of main street, ask anyone you see (gas station, store, on the sidewalk they will point you the right way, and tell you the same thing great food and nicely priced . I recomend continuing up 14 untill cooks and go over the cook, underwood loop, dropping you right back to 14 head east and take the next right to troutlake and Mt. Adams, stop at ranger station for free map and you can easily get to Mt. St.Helens leading you to Woodland WA. ON I-5
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Sorry, John, but Cape Horn is most certainly on Hwy 14 between Washougal and Stevenson. There may be another, but the viewpoint in the review is definitely called Cape Horn, and the Eastward view up the Columbia is amazing.
I reccomend taking this route north to Carson, and continue around Mt. St. Helens through Cougar into Woodland, back to the Interstate, or South on local roads if you're savvy enough. Epic loop.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
This was a pretty sweet and easy ride. I took 14 all the way the the hood river bridge and then took 84 west and got off on the first exit for the scenic highway 30. I took that into Troutdale and then too Marine Drive back into NE Portland. great day ride!
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Jonny Law
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
If you live in Portland or Vancouver, this is a great road for an after work decompression, or just a excuse to get a burger somewhere other then the local joint.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Except for the fact that Cape Horn is off of Hwy 4, between Longview and Illwaco - west of I-5, the information is good. Hwy 4 and Hwy 14 in WA, and US 30 in OR, from Astoria to Biggs Junction, are all great motorcycling roads
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519 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Fantastic ride. Try to hit on a weekday when traffic is lighter.
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95 McR Points
Motorcycle Type :
Nice ride
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72 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
nice views, easy ride
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