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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
BEAUTIFUL stretch of road -- Watch out if you are turning from 50 Eastbound-- the road from 50 to 601 dips down, has a ditch to the left and curves right into 601 -- Traffic going on 50 West comes over the crest of a rise and is not visible from a distance. However, 601 is AAAWESOME, twisty curvaceous, old and new houses set waay back into the thick forest. Beautiful views seen way in the distance. Deer and feral pigs are also 601 wayfarers, enjoying the vegetation and could easily come out from behind those trees.
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Long Rider
0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great ride! When paired with Snickersville Turnpike, it makes for a really nice loop. The northern terminus of the turnpike is only about a half mile from this road.
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CVO Dave
48 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I like this road and try to hit it when I'm in the area. There are no views from the road but it has a couple of places along where you can stop and get great views with a very short walk. One is Bears Den. It's an old home that has been converted to be used a a hostel for Appelachain Trail hikers. Behind the home is a cliff looking to the west with great views. Another place I'll hit when on this road id The Horseshoe Curve restaurant. On thenorth end of 601 where it hits Rt 7. turn left(west) and go approx. 0.4 miles to old Rt 7 - Pine Grove road. Turn Right and go 0.3 Miles to the reataurant on the left. Nice local joint, usually has dogs laying around on the floor. Good Food. The owner's name is Tracy.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This is my favorite ride, close to home,can do the ride in just under 2 hours, great stress reducer after a day of work...
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
This is a great road!! I saw this on MotorcycleRoads.com and decided to give it a try (despite the fact that the ratings on it I saw were low). It really does travel along a "spine of mountains" ... little traffic and LOTS of nice scenery and nice little curves along the way. Very pleasant surprise for me and my riding partner.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
There is a country store in Bluemont, just south of Route 7. Deck and table out front. It's on Snickersville Turnpike. Coming from Rt.50 make a R on Rt.7 and a R on Snickersville/734. Nice hairpin before a straight descent past the store. Or make a L on Rt.7 and R on Pine Grove Rd./679, a curve or two and a place or two to stop for eats. Then back onto Rt.7.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is indeed a nice stretch of road between 7 and 50. Uncle Sam has done a good job of keeping it nice and maintained due to the "facility" at the top of the hill. 606 that runs along the Shenandoah is a nice little run too. It's only a mile or so west on 7 or 50 depending which way you run 601.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
We rode this route last May 2008, and it is awesome!! But you must go all the way to the south end of the Parkway to Tennessee. We took 3 days to do it, stopping along the way several places. The scenery is AWESOME!! It's like being in heaven. Enjoy!!
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CVO Dave
48 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
There is however a restaurant less than a mile from the 601 / Rt. 7 intx. .The Horseshoe Curve Restaurant. Go west on Rt. 7 for 0.4 miles. Turn right on Rt. 679 Pine Grove Road. It is 0.3 miles down the road on the left. Decent food and they have beer also. The two entrances to the restaurant the first one you can catch the second one. Caution it is a gravel parking lot.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
This was a nice ride. Just did it today 1/3/09 in combination with the 688 route. One thing about 601 though- it seemed to have a little line of gravel in the center of the otherwise nice road for most of the way. This made me slow way down on curves... but then again I've only been riding a month so maybe it was nothing to be wary of... but rather to err on the safe side eh?
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12 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Great stretch of a road here, it's cool to pass by mount weather, not very good scenery though and really short. I'd recommend: 1. getting to the top of the route (Bluemont), turn right onto Route 7 and then the next right onto the Snickersville Turnpike. Or 2. Turning left onto 7 and then another left onto River Rd to bring you back down adjacent to the Shenandoah river. Both loop back to 50 eventually
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7 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
Rode this on a speed twin and it felt like this road was made just for that bike. Such a beautiful ride and very secluded. Plus, Bear Chase Brewing is right at the top of the ride which is a nice amenity and great way to either finish your trip, or start it.
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The County Nerd
7 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
If coming to the road via East bound Rt. 7 - careful of gravel turning onto the road. There is a nice brewery at this intersection too. I think they have motorcycle parking. Road is kind of busy all the time which is why I gave it a "3".
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