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Motorcycle Type : Other
I have been riding this road for years. We call it the Texas "Little Tail of the Dragon". Very little traffic but it is farm country so do need to be careful about the farm machinery. Be sure to drop by the Texoma Winery at Judge Carr Road for a free tour and wine tasting. Open Sat 11-5 and Sun 1-5 April thru December.
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Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
The written directions above should read right turn on 697 from the direction it has you traveling. Do be careful when riding west from Whitewright to Sherman at dusk. The lower sun and blind corners can be hard to maneuver.
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Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
VERY NICE ROAD. Also VERY isolated from other nice roads. I drove all the way to Sherman from Dallas for this road, and the rest of the area is nothing but straight lines, with most of the exceptions turning into dirt roads... no good on my Cruiser. Still, after lots of exploring, I did find 1753 to the north on 69. It is very nice from Denison all the way to Ravenna. The areas is really beautiful, but the ride itself isn't worth a long trip unless you are already nearby.
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Motorcycle Type : Touring
Oh yeah, beware hay trucks and other farm equipment! There are many blind corners where they sometimes hide.
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Motorcycle Type : Touring
"The old Ida road" is one of my favorites! One of the very few places in North Texas where there are actual altitude changes! Granted they are very suble, but beggars can't be choosers. Like most scenic drives, it is prettiest during the morning and dusk. The road is more "technical" that skyline drive, but not quite as technical as 337. The only thing bad is that it's to dad-burn short!!!
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