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Ronin Ichi
9 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Love this road! Used to ride it all the time, but found a sneaky other road from 41 that gets my heart ponding even harder. If you're ever out anjying this road when neering Aberdeen you'll see a sign for Ohio 763, i just submited a a review on that road, but any way you'll be in for a treat if you head down that road. I sometimes will from Aberdeen take 41 to 763 up to 125 to 136 back down 41 for a great heart ponding loop. It's just an absolute blast!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I love that road. Hang around 8:30 AM on Sundays to see the Amish hurrying to church. Lots of twisties. One turn in particular needs your attention.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
A really nice ride. There were some good twisties mixed with elevation changes, 4 or 5 good sets throughout the ride. Not too much traffic and lots of cool places to stop if you wanted to. I live in Dayton and am always on the look out for 100 to 200 mile day trips and this is a great one.
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5 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Nice ride, especially from Bainbridge to the river.
Great breakfast in Greenfield, ice cream in Locust Grove, several wineries not too far from the end in Brown County.
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93 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Adventure Touring
Great road. Pavement is new out of Greenfield for the first 10 miles. Sunday morning is nice and quiet with almost no traffic. Four or five areas of twisty’s will keep you interested. Plenty of places to let the bike run, just watch out on Sunday for the”carriage litter” if you know what I mean. Road begins to get rougher the closer you get to the river. Not much to do in Aberdeen but go east to Ripley and make sure to stop in Snappers. Nice outdoor ‘biker’ bar on the river
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61 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
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