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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Just rode this yesterday 5-8-14. Neat ride 3rd gear most of the way,came down 800 to 78 to 536. I liked 78 it was smooth wide and scenic. 536 is tight and twisty,can't check the scenery as the roads takes all the attention.I went north on 7 to 148 to rt 9. I enjoyed that more,148 is wide smooth nice turns and 9 to Belmont county is fun ride.

Update from Ohio’s Road Ranger (July 30th, 2020): It’s time to use some caution, if on a motorcycle. While certainly a mad hatter this road does have gravel in numerous spots. Sometimes around bends, sometimes in straights, and they’re constantly working on this road. As of June 2020 they’re really putting time in on the East end. 3 or 4 wheels is recommended, for now, but if you’re careful you should be able to enjoy it on 2. Watch your lean angle…
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Spent the day on 536, 556, 255 and 78 and Sykes Ridge Road a wonderful day trip from Pittsburgh. The difference between the real "Tail of the Dragon" in NC/TN is that there are houses, driveways and barns in Ohio that the Dragon does not have. The road itself is a good comparison. I recommend the drive to bike and sports cars.
9 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Just got back from the NC/TN dragon US 129....frankly the southern dragon is over hyped.....fun but not particularly visually stimulating....536 is a better ride for my money...on the other hand ....the Cherohola Skyway in same general area as US 129 is magnificent...by the way 536 is much more dangerous than the southern dragon due to unlimited access on 536...be safe...wear the gear ....enjoy the view...but not too long...536 dragon will bite
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Discovered this road last year on another site. Love it. It is about 2 1/2 hours from my home and makes a great day trip. Usually run it both directions, matter of fact , it was my first day trip this year. Not for the faint of heart. Every bit as good a ride as the Tail. Lots of sharp twists and turns thru beautiful farmland. Everyone I have taken on this road loves it except for one lady that I thought would have to have the seat on her old man's Dresser surgically removed from her butt, it was puckered so tight. Great ride and well worth the time.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Excellent Ohio bike route! Lots of twisties and elevation changes. I rode SR536 and other southeast Ohio roads back in June 2009. This was one of my favorites! Pavement was decent, not much gravel. It follows the mountain ridge so one minute you are on top of the mountain and the next minute cutting through twisty forest. Make sure you do SR 255 and Sykes Ridge Rd while you are in the neighborhood! Also great routes. I'll definitely be back.
5 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Great road, got your heart pumping and never really stop until you get to Rt78. Careful as there are no straight runs and little time to adjust speed. I wont compare to the Dragon, Ohio 555, or 411 out of Boon NC - they are all fun and unique roads that offer great experience. This road could very easily push out of your comfort zoon, so stay safe, take it with a riding partner and have your safety gear on. Good luck and have fun.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
9-13-09 many bikes riding 536 this year sorry to say not enough helmets. some broken pavement and loose gravel ,deer. love the ride.150 curves in 11 miled.have fun wave when you go by.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Fun road with a lot of other route possibilities. Be careful because the other possibilites are Sunday drivers, cars taking corners too sharp, wet corners, loose gravel, and wildlife. KEEP IT UP !!!
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Me and a buddy rode here on March 22, 2009 SCARY ROAD lots of gravel dog ran out in front of us along with 5 deer and 5 turkey. BE careful Road has crazy turns but not a great canyon carver place lots of blind hills and gravel.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I have done this road several times and it is a classic for those who like chills and thrills. It is steep, twisty and at speed, hair raising. But the views are so great you will want to do it slow too. Just before the final drop down to the Ohio River, there is a view where the ridgeline forms a perfect semi-circle with the old bridge over the Ohio River down in Hannibal perfectly framed in the center. WOW!
4 riders found this road review useful
187 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Just a heads up, started across this road on 4/9/17, about 6 or 7 miles from Ohio 78 is a major slip and the road is closed until further notice. I rode out to the slip and it appears they area working on it but the entire mountain side came down so they will be a while on this one. I get up that way from time to time and will attempt to advise when it is back open.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I'll keep it simple-536 is the best twisty road in Ohio.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Awesome road! Very curvy and lots of elevation changes. The views are spectacular so you will have to ride the road a few times; once for the thrill of the ride and another to stop and appreciate the beauty only nature can provide. Be careful though the road is narrow and there are no guard rails so be sure to stay well on your side of the road lest you become a hood ornament for an oncoming car.
3 riders found this road review useful
157 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I've ridden this road many times. There are 169 curves in 12 miles, I counted them...A few miles off the Ohio River on Twp. Rd. 419 is Kiedaisch Point Park.The road is a little rough but you can see about 3 miles of the Ohio River.
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17 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Roads like this are the reason I ride, well maybe not the sole reason, but you get the point. This is the trickiest (most dangerous) road that I've had the pleasure of riding balls out. When we (my crotch rocket buddy and my cruiser self) turned onto 536 from the boring 78 I was practically drooling with anticipation! Right off the bat there's the rough, gravely twists and turns, which last pretty much the entire route. Danger is around every corner with blind hills, driveways, farm animals etc...Not a whole lot of places to stop for pics or even for an emergency, so take the mental pictures when you can because you'll need to be focused on the road. I got in it and rode the hell out of it the whole way. My buddy finally caught up to me as I got stopped behind a trooper who was waiting for a semi at the hairpin turn toward the end of the route on the Southern end. What a bummer. We had to ride a tight inside to the semi-tractor trailer at that turn because he had stopped on the turn itself!

We got to the bottom, hung out at the locks on the river for a few minutes before heading back up and trying the route the other way. The hairpin was nice but not as great as it could've been in the other direction. Damn semi!

All in all, beautiful scenery and a rough, technical road. I wouldn't recommend this route to a FNG but if you're experienced, confident and have good brakes and tires then this is THE route to ride in all of Ohio! Riding this road is like making sweet, sweet love.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
One of my favs on the way to the river.Not for novices!I still scrape my pipes on this one.Fun but demands your attention at all times.Be Safe.
1991 Tour-Glide Classic
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44 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
The steep elevation changes and tight, technical nature of this route make this one of the most challenging roads you'll find. Hard to find a rhythm on this one not very flowing, but I kept it in a lower gear than I am used to and it is a great tune-up road for the Dragon. Some say this is actually more challenging because of the steep elevation changes...
3 riders found this road review useful
4000 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
On bike I'm not as in love with this road as many of you. They've been working on this damned road since I first went on it in 2013. It's still not done, and honestly, it doesn't look like it will be done any time soon. That said, because they're still working on it there's various corners with spews of gravel, white dust and dirt on the road. That just isn't very confidence inspiring on two wheels. So...I take the car. Holy hell, in a hot hatch this road is 10x better than on the bike. I'm flying around shit like a lunatic and laughing my ass off. I would post a video of me in the car doing it, like I have for the bike, but it's nothing but me laughing and making noises. So, in summary, for me, car > bike for this road. Bikers, it's a good one, but BE CAREFUL. Car drivers...let'r rip. Who gives a crap about some undercarriage tinking sounds that is the rocks getting flung up, unless you're worried about your wheel well's paint job.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
What the neck is with the speed bump-like bumps just as you're setting up to enter a lot of the curves?? They extend all the way across the road! Did they just pop up? If we ride this road again, we'll do it north to south - that way we'll hit the bumps as we come out of the curves! It's a fun road - I've done Deal's Gap, and I've done a lot of the great roads in West Virginia. This is a fun road that, if it had those bumps smoothed out, would be GREAT. The scenery is wonderful, and you definitely have to pay attention. Once we got to 78, we headed west and went north on 800 - another fun road, although not nearly as challenging as 536.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Sandman is right, Hands never left the grips. One turn actually had a STOP sign on it! I still had to go into the other lane to make the turn. Course I was going the other direction(from 78 to the river), on the way back it was still tight , but not as bad. I don't know how they ever paved this road. Take it slow, watch the signs, and allow plenty of room between Bikes. Enjoy.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Talk about twists and turns, dips and curves. I didn't think Ohio was capable of having such a route -- but I guess any state in the U.S. could. Living in Indianapolis has its advantages, but their lack of exciting roads is daunting. Don't get me wrong, I love the driving and riding in Indy, but it's mostly corn. Ha ha. I'm looking for new things. . . and it that means a fast and curvy ride, so be it. I wonder what those rides are like in a car. Not nearly the same, I'm guessing. ;) Rebecca "On the road again..." Used Cars Indiana
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Great road beautiful scenery. take your time and enjoy the ride.have a mini cooper i like to drive on there too.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
2 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
5-23-10 Just ran down this road as part of my own mad map run in the SE Ohio area. I have been on the Tail of the Dragon many times and to be honest, this road is very curvy but its not the dragon. There are a number of high bumps in the road and the road condition is inconsistent, which makes running this road with any type of attack not recommned. The views are very nice, I recommend you take your time and enjoy the loops and views rather than trying to "straighten the tail" like you might be prone to attempt on TOTD. Nice road once they get it repaired and consistent. Nice road to ride as well for the views! Be careful, enjoy the ride!
2 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
I rode this today along with 800, 556 and 148. This was actually a disappointment given the hype. While it was fun, it felt very very cramped and I had many cars coming into my lane. I like others had to go into the other lane at the stop sign as it was simply too tight with the climb to stay in my own. I took it easy as it ws my first road with serious twisties in it. I found myself going through the corners about 10-20mph over the recommended except for the 15mph recommended turns. Those were usually tight and no joke. Also the blind climbs with curves shown got my heart going a few times. All in all good fun but wish it wasn't so cramped and went on longer.
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18 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
01/22/2017 great Drive, newly paved. Chose a winter day, roads slightly damp. Definitely will do this one again and possibly mix in with a longer tour.
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4000 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Probably the twistiest road in Wayne's National Forest (East). Not necessarily the best, though, due to gravel. Not horrible amounts, but enough that along with the average road surface for most of the ride you can't really ride like you know you want to. It's more of a cautionary fun for this road. (Much better than it has been in a while, though. That's for damned sure.) Going east saves you from riding the brakes too much.
2 riders found this road review useful
8 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Great Road!!! Loved it, probably number one road on my list
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6 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Nice ride. Road quality was superb. Must have been resurfaced last year. Wide road. Mostly sweeping curves with lots of blind crests. Much easier than the triple nickel that I road yesterday. That road was a significantly bigger challenge which I enjoyed more than this ride.
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8 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Rode it in June of 2014, road dept had put some sealant on the road. Being it was very hot that day, the large sealant patches were slippery
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
MY wife and I rode this route yesterday, Aug 29, 20165, and loved it. We had a great weather day and near no traffic. Road surface was great (some repair patches but presented no threats). Recommend this run to any biker that enjoys a technical ride.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
After reading about this stretch for a few years, I was finally able to ride it this summer with the wife on the back. The layout of the road is everything that has been said about it and more. However, my experience was much less enjoyable than I had anticipated due to the very poor condition of the road. There are very few sections without hot patch, crack seal, and unfilled cracks. Gravel and broken pieces of road are found frequently also. If you like the danger of substandard road conditions, then this is the road for you. I can see where it could be a great ride, but constantly dodging and navigating the road repairs and debris took away a lot of the luster for me.
2 riders found this road review useful
157 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Just across it. 8-27-16. Getting new blacktop. Last time was 2008, it needed it. 169 curves in 12 miles, I counted them.
2 riders found this road review useful
8 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I rode this road a couple years ago. It was incredible. It was so good that when we got down to the bottom we turned around to ride it again.
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7 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
stop up at kodish point for a break and scenic look at ohio river and river locks
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I live on state route 536 in ohio. It is an excelent motorcycle road.I am sorry to say that a 65 year old male rider was killed a few weeks ago . He hit a bad spot in the pavement and hit the gardrail and broke his neck. So please ride with caution.We want this road to be a pleasurer not a killer. By the way we have road the dragons tail several times.I t had 318 curves in 11 miles. state route 536 had 150 curves in 12 miles.Please don' t ride for speed. .
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
556 was wow and wow, 536 is OH MY GOD! drove my mazda rx7 on 536 en route to deals gap/tail of the dragon and i can honestly say 536 is scarier. TOTD is very tight, sharp curves but smooth and linear. 536 is like a friggin roller coaster withough the rails. not saying its better or worse the TOTD but it got my heart pumping more. a few apexs at the top of blind hills. i ride from northeast ohio down to marietta often and i will be going down the 536 again, maybe not everytime though.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I too took this route out of WV. Guy told me it was a shortcut to rt78.
An hr later I finally made it to rt 78. Will take my Heritage over there and ride it.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
12 miles - 199 curves! EXCELLENT!
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26 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I rode this on October 27, 2019. The road is as challenging as the other reviewers have said, but it's also in need of (and receiving) some repair. There are a few short stretches where it's been roughly patched. There are three short sections where the road is closed down to one lane with temporary traffic signals to manage traffic. Aside from these, the road is smooth and fast.
1 riders found this road review useful
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Wow! This is a very good ride! We also did St Rt 555 and St Rt 313 all are good rides.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
they are not kidding about this road i had to make a delivery on 536in the semi wow i had fun but wish i was on the bike beautiful ride you all think its fun on a bike you should try it in a semi will definitly be back to ride it on the bike well worth a trip to ride this an this is coming from someone who has also rode the dragon its just a nice ride
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Rode the TN. Tail early part of Oct. Late Oct. rode 370 miles of Ohio roads 536 was one of them. Friday afternoon, no traffic, made it in 17 minutes from beginning to end, don't recommend doing that again. Rode it 4 times that day. Very enjoyable. Also rode Rt. 26 out of Mariettia to 70. BEST ride. Long ride. Well worth the time. From 26 you can catch 78 E to 536, or 78 W to 'baby tail'. Nice days ride.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
deals gap he dragons tail is closed until July 1 bcause of a landslide. Call before you ride down
1 riders found this road review useful
2630 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
What makes this route so great is the variety. Great scenery, yes. One area most people don't know about are the skyline dwellers. Those are people with farm homes and barns living along the ridges of all the small hills in the state. Bikers wou
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6 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Just rode this today. Fantastic, technical ride through the woods. Great elevation changes with lots of blind crests. Tight corners never end. Unfortunately, The road is being repaired in various places with some construction lights and heavy trucks to spoil the ride. Looks like it was a tough winter around here. The 555 was in much better shape. Rode them both today!
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the Brat
2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Riding the Dragon was fun, as were some of the other more notable roads in WV, NC and TN. So, my journey in Ohio began at Sykes Ridge Road and Route 7 in Clarington, OH. Headed westerly to Route 536 and turned south and east to Hannibal. Took Route 7 south to Route 255 in Lee Twp. Headed north on 255 to Route 800 and North to Woodsfield. From Woodsfield you can fuel the bike and the bod before taking Route 78 east back to Clarington. I chose to take Route 800 South to Route 7 near the Sistersville Bridge and was glad I did. Keep sharp. Know your Bike. Pay attention. Don't do it after a heavy rain. Enjoy the ride. I surely did...immensely.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Beautiful countryside ~ great food along the way.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Rode this route with 3 other friends yesterday. Loved riding through southeastern Ohio with all of the hills and beautiful scenery. This route was challenging with not knowing where the turns were going to be until you crested the hills. A friend was told about a lot of gravel, but we only saw two spots of concern and they weren't that bad as there was a clear path through it. I can't wait to go back and ride it again. Didn't get a lot of opportunity to enjoy looking around while riding this route with having to put much of my attention on the road. I will take my GoPro with me next time to record the route so I can appreciate the rolling hills and farms.
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27 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
rode this on 6 oct 2016 as a two day trip. did the 555 zanesville to parkersburg. the road has just been paved, and was super to ride. watch out for the drop offs the shoulders have not been filled in and could cause problems if you are riding like an ass and going to fast. no trucks allowed, and very little traffic overall. this is a must ride if you can do it, i will do it again next year as well as the rt 26 through wayne national forest. talked with a local rider and he said it is a super ride. you can make a circle from marietta and come out on interstate 77. there are two areas under construction on rt 536 one should be finished very soon, the other doesnt look like it will be done until next year. they are only 200 ft long and controlled by a traffic signal. a small price to pay to have a great time. not a long ride, but good things come in small packages. you wont be disapointed.
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