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22 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
NC80 is a good access road to get to the Blue Ridge Parkway and up to Mt Mitchell. Watch out for the sports cars flying up the road. Not much on this road beside Lake Tahoma on the Marion side. A crazy casino house looking building sits in on the lake.
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6 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Drove my Honda Valkyrie Trike down this route and LOVED IT. Left from Mt Mitchell and drove it down to a town called Old Fort then took interstate back to Asheville.
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16 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
A very nice ride down from the Blue Ridge Parkway to Micaville. Some tight twisties and pastoral scenery. I recommend an additional leg north on Double Island Rd from Micaville to 197 as well. This is rugged, fairly remote mountain country that often runs parallel to streams and rivers.
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