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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I agree that Pilot Mountain and Mount Airy are great destinations on a bike. I would (and do) avoid highway 52 at all costs between Winston-Salem and Mount Airy. The pavement is severely damaged. Too many tractor trailors and most importantly, just not a very nice ride. There are some fine two lane and county roads that will get you to Pilot Mountain, Mount Airy and the beautiful part of 52 past Mount Airy.
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Brian Fistler
93 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Very scenic with Pilot Mountain looming on the horizon most of the way, however, if you are only following this road to the Virginia border, you are missing a great road by not following 52 up to Fancy Gap. Flowing, high-speed sweepers/twisties with 2 lanes of traffic on the way up the mountain to Fancy Gap, so if there happens to be a car in front of you, you can pass.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
Hey guys .. think ya got a typo .. Title says "Title: Aunt Bea's Way (US 42) "
But shouldnt it be
"Title: Aunt Bea's Way (US 52)"
... and I have been up there many times. Very nice riding.
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