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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Glendora Ridge Rd is one of the most unique rides in So Cal. the scenery is pretty amazing for being in our backyard. The foliage is some of the most aromatic you'll find and the forest view is vast and majestic. Caution to the inexperienced... the road is narrow and unmarked for two way traffic much of the 22mi. The crotch-rocket set thinks this road is their own personal Rally. Be sure to stop off at Mt. Baldy lodge for a good Burger and brew... BE SAFE !
5 riders found this road review useful

0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Other
I ride GMR almost every weekend. It is a very technical ride. Be aware of the sport bikes and bicyclists. It is beter to ride early on the weekends and mid day during the week.
4 riders found this road review useful

2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Standard
Of the roads I've taken, this was the worst. Does not compare at all to Angles Crest. Road quality wasn't great. Lots of dirt. No nice sweeping turns. Mainly for really slow cruising.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Rode through the road back in November, not having been on it in over 20 years. Impressed by the quality of the road (used to be lots of broken asphalt, pot-holes, and gravel) and enjoyed most aspect of the ride except...seems the particular day I picked to ride, the local Subie drivers decided to use the route as their own special rally stage. After two close calls, I pulled over until I could no longer hear any oversized exhausts echoing off the canyon walls.
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2 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Love this ride. Great views,close to home,and lots of options.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
Very fun and scenic. Not much traffic on my ride. I only wish it was alot longer of a ride.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
Not a bad ride, Road to Mt Baldy and cut across Glendora Ridge. Saw a couple of deer and some nice scenery. Was an enjoyable day.
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0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Rode this in the easrly afternoon on a weekday. There was little to no traffic. The road was nearly perfect. Glendora Mountain Road was really dirty from the fork with Glendora Ridge Road. Decided to take the Ridge. Not worth it. The lack of a centerline makes the ride downright scary!
1 riders found this road review useful

0 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
Started on 39 out of Azusa to E Fork to Glendora Mnt Rd to Glenora Ridge Mtn Baldy in July 09. This is a good early morning ride..Just watch the Peeps around E Fork .
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85 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Sport
Great mountain road!
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25 McR Points
Motorcycle Type : Touring
This is a great road to ride! There is hardly any traffic (on a weekday, Monday) aside from the occasional Cyclist. The road is in good condition but be careful for fallen rocks on the road. The views are spectacular. I did not see too many paved turnouts, just dirt ones. I would not recommend this road for a beginner as there are many tight corners. There is no lane divider painted on the road between the Azusa Canyon East Fork road and Mt Baldy so beware as the road is narrow.
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