Coronado Trail - By Guest
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By Guest (22 McR Points) on Mar 11, 2010
Creator : steben53
Motorcycle Type : Touring
While attending the 100 year HD Anniversary in Milwaukee in 2003, I ran into these two biker-guys from Germany. They'd come for the birthday bash but as soon as it was over they were headed to Arizona for the sole purpose of riding the Coronado Trail. I immediately put the CT on my "to-do" list, and did it for the first time the following year. Sweepers to the north, undulating pine-lined straights in the middle and technical twisties to the south. Be advised - while I highly recommend this road for experienced riders, it needs to be said that the southern section is not recommended for beginners especially riding it from north to south - it's very steep and very twisty once it begins dropping off the rim and heading for the desert below. My recommendation, no matter your riding level, is that you try to arrange your route to do Hwy 191 from south to north. Doing so will allow you to stay off your brakes and enjoy the scenery more, and there is plenty of that! I
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