
Pikes Peak Run - By mmmudpuppy

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By mmmudpuppy (50 McR Points) on Feb 04, 2021

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Motorcycle Type : Touring

What can you except, "Pikes Peak"! Love the sweeping curves coming up Hwy. 24 to the base of Pikes Peak where there is a fee to enter. On the weekends I would get there early or there will be a line to get in. I haven't been up on the bike in the last couple of years due to the construction and having to take a shuttle to the top. I believe I read that should be done in Spring of 2021 (I would check their website). But is it everything you can imagine. Being so high I get winded fast up there and must take it slow (and I live at 6200 feet) so for those not used to the altitude I would suggest drinking a lot of water and maybe even brining a bottle of Oxygen (you can purchase at the drug store). When the new building is done at the top they will still feature the fresh made donuts which are a must have in my opinion. Have fun!

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