Wyandotte County Lake Park - By Cyrus D
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By Cyrus D (2 McR Points) on Jun 23, 2016
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Motorcycle Type : Sport
Very scenic, a short ride. However make sure you go in plenty of light, Going in the evening light was getting sparse and managed to hit a patch of gravel going roughly 20-25mph around a broad turn, and have the bike slide out under me. Practically snails pace. Full gear, no injuries, bike sustained no damage due I would guess to frame sliders.
Upon further inspection of the cause of the accident, Only a mere 20 feet back, discovered the whole road was chalked in this gravel. Didn't matter what line I was to take it surely to slide out under me if you were at any angle of lean.
Good road, but sub-par road conditions. Ride carefully and slowly. Good light will help you see such dangerous road conditions ahead.
Upon further inspection of the cause of the accident, Only a mere 20 feet back, discovered the whole road was chalked in this gravel. Didn't matter what line I was to take it surely to slide out under me if you were at any angle of lean.
Good road, but sub-par road conditions. Ride carefully and slowly. Good light will help you see such dangerous road conditions ahead.
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