Port Hadlock Ride - By bruceanddixie

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By bruceanddixie (2 McR Points) on Dec 25, 2014
Creator : Bruceanddixiie
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser
This run is not the Port Hadlock run but, the Port Gamble run! Port Hadlock is across the Hood Canal floating bridge, in Jefferson County. Although the ride to Port Gamble is short, it is also beautiful and full of Washington logging history. An easy ride and well worth it. When finished with Port Gamble, retrace your steps to the Hood Canal Floating Bridge, take the first right run after the bridge and follow a beautiful, winding road (very little traffic), to Port Hadlock. This is a winding, comfortable ride with occasional water views. The town of Hadlock is well known for it's food establishments. Don't miss the fish and chips at the Valley Tavern. After a stop in Port Hadlock, it's back to the Kitsap Peninsula or head north to Port Townsend.
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