
Valley of Fire Loop - By Watersflam

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By Watersflam (3 McR Points) on Jun 02, 2013

Creator : Nick Waters
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser

This Ride is amazing! You gt to ride through 2 National Parks in 1 Ride!! Both of which are amazing. Be prepared to pay the fee for the Lake Meade Recreation area when you enter. It is not much. I buy the year pass for all parks. Lots of winding roads and turns make this ride fun in addition to the incredible scenery! This is in my backyard, so I frequent these roads. Today I did the official route, but backwards as described based on where I live and my starting position. Fuel up before entering. Either at the station on the I 15 or on Lake Meade blvd before you enter the park. There is no fuel inside the park. There MANY stoping points for photos and restrooms. I HIGHLY recommend this route and I am lucky I live so close to it.

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