
Back roads of Morris - By Andrew ONeal

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By Andrew ONeal (30 McR Points) on Jan 15, 2020

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Motorcycle Type : Adventure Touring

This is a really nice route for NE Illinois. Cemetery Road is always an enjoyable ride. Lots of trees with some wetland areas. Watch out for deer and other small critters. Lots of bicyclists take this road as well so watch out for them. You pass by a beautiful horse farm and if you're lucky you may get to see some of the horses in the fenced pastures right along the road. Old Stage Road (Stagecoach Road) between Morris and Seneca is a great road with some sweeping turns and twisties. There are a couple of popular biker bars in Seneca. Fat Daddy'z is on the north side of town of Rt. 6. It's smaller but always looks pretty packed in the summer. And Boondock's is south of town (you have to cross the river on Hwy 170 then turn east on Dupont Road to get there. Boondock's is right on the Illinois River and has indoor and outdoor seating. Large gravel parking lot there is full of bikes in the summer. I've personally never stopped at either one (I'm usually riding down to Ottawa and Starved Rock State Park so I don't take time to stop in Seneca) but I have some friends who recommend both.

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