Talimena National Scenic Byway - By morris13

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By morris13 (2 McR Points) on Apr 01, 2015
Creator : morris13
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
The Talimena Scenic Byway is a wonderful ride heading East out of Talihina, OK on Hwy 1 transitioning into SH88 to Mena, AR. The 54 miles of good roads, excellent scenery and a combination of twisties and straightaways with a higher percentage of curves makes for an excellent ride through the Quachita National Forest! At the time of our ride, 3/30/15, the QUEEN WILHELMINA Hotel was under remodel.
WARNING: Please take note and extra caution when approaching the Eagleton Vista corner. This is about 5.4 miles West of Mena, AR. This corner is a triple threat do to its decreasing radius, negative camber and transitioning from slight uphill to downhill grade as you enter the turn.
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