Lincoln Highway - By Akumu
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By Akumu (4000 McR Points) on Dec 31, 2019
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Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
The spread of ratings on this road, not to mention it, laughably, being #1 in PA serves to show the vast spread of interests in motorcycle riding. For the Tourers, this is an amazing run full of nice sweeping vistas, especially west of 75, with some 'Don't fall asleep back there, wife.' sweepers out by Breezewood. Regular cruiser riders/lighter weight tourers would probably feel much the same, but there's a bit much in the way of traffic for some, and feels very 'slabby' by the time you get to 75, if headed east.
This route has 0 for sport bike riders unless you need to be on those roads for something. There's better roads around Breezewood, and the twisties burn off too quickly, leaving you sucking in wind while going straight.
(I'm in the latter camp.)
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