
Sturgis Ride - Last Leg (I-90) - By Jerry Donna Va

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By Jerry Donna Va (116 McR Points) on Aug 07, 2021

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Motorcycle Type : Touring

The i90 is one of those roads that when you ride thru SD it seems so relaxing, I have been able to ride many different bikes in the past 45 years. And my wife and I have traded our last BMW1600 a couple years ago for two Can Am spyders, they dont have the fuel range but the speed to travel 80+ from full to empty. Yes the winds can be very high at times, we travel from Va and funny how we will take 64w to K.C. and 29N to 90 west but always take 44west out of Rapid City traveling S.E. to @ Omaha. Everyone stay safe

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