Route 519 from Phillipsburg to High Point - By FStine

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By FStine (14 McR Points) on Sep 07, 2020
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Motorcycle Type : Enduro
Rt 519 is also known as the War Veterans Memorial Highway. An incredibly beautiful ride. Two warehouses (3 mill SF) are proposed on 585 acres of farmland Rt 519 and Foul Rift Rd., 12 miles from the nearest interstate. At peak hours, 850 new truck trips will be added to Rt 519. We are advocating for a modified agriculture zone promoting traditional farming, farm-to-table, farmers market, etc. Motorcycle riders have a voice that needs to be heard. More tractor trailer traffic chip away at the beauty and enjoyment riding on one of Central NJ's premier scenic roads. Warehouses are part of our new supply chain, but not in the middle of an agricultural area 12 miles for a highway. Please help us stop this poorly-sighted development. Email Fred at
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