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By mchance (940 McR Points) on May 11, 2020

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Motorcycle Type : Cruiser

One of the best motorcycle roads in Missouri. Definitely take "Old Route 21" from Hwy 141 to Hillsboro, instead of the new limited access highway (although the scenery is pretty good on that road, as well). Traffic can be heavy between St. Louis County and at least Hillsboro, and often as far south as Potosi or even Ironton. But the road is terrific for a morning or afternoon relaxing ride (it's one of my "go to" routes for a "mental health" excursion). Early morning/sunrise, evening dusk/sunset or after dark, the road can still live up to the "Blood Alley" epithet, with fog when the conditions are right, blinding headlights coming around turns unexpectedly, and blind driveways entering the highway, so be aware of other traffic on the road.

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