Moab, UT to Nucla, CO - By Guest
Posted By
By Guest (22 McR Points) on Jul 15, 2010
Creator : Mikesworld1515
Motorcycle Type : Touring
My son and I rode this over the July 4th, 2010 weekend. Starting from Moab you take Hwy 46 thru some gently winding ranch land until you arrive in LaSal. Leaving Lasal you begin some nice mountain climbs, and winding road. Shortly you will encounter a 9% 3 mile descent to the river. You follow the river for a few miles and then begin climbing along the canyon sides in a series of sweeping 25 to 45 mph curves. there are several curves with no guardrails thru here so keep things within reason or find yourself several hundred feet below the roadway in the canyon. After about 10 miles you descend into a lush valley and the road becomes failry strait to Nucla.
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