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By GJRonK (2629 McR Points) on Sep 12, 2014

Creator : GJRonK
Motorcycle Type : Cruiser

I would start this ride from Twisp (Don't you love that name? It comes from the Okanagan word meaning wasp or yellow jacket.) Head west 141 miles all the way to Burlington. From Twisp, the "heart of the Methow Valley" you first pass through local farmland and along the banks of the Methow River. Vegetation here is diverse including maple, cottonwood, aspen, sagebrush and even Ponderosa pine.

Washington Pass is not real high at 5,477' but even there the trees are mostly conifers like cedar, fir, spruce and pine. Closer to the riverbanks are willow and birch.

You'll follow along several rivers most of the balance of the trip with spectacular scenery along the way. The last half of the route has wide sweeping curves and smooth pavement. Possibly the best riding curves I've ever been on.

All the bikers I talked to rank this as their favorite ride in Washington. I do too.

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