The Hub of the Hills - By Guest
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By Guest (22 McR Points) on Jul 28, 2009
Creator : Mike G.
Motorcycle Type : Other
I took this route today and found it very peaceful and scenic. The peacefulness may have been in part due to it being Sunday. I haven't done much IA off-freeway driving to compare, but I'd definitely put this in the 4 to 5 star range for scenery. Road wise a solid 4. As one would expect the roads in the small towns were a bit rough in places but overall the ride was very good. Do be careful to watch your speed between Pisgah and Little Sioux as the road is rather curvy in places (FUN!!) with about a foot of the driving lane on both sides covered with rock from the shoulders. This caused the traffic I encountered coming towards me to drift into my lane around curves. I didn't make any stops along the way (this was a solo ride) but I plan on going again with my "Real Boss"...aka wife...and hope to get to know the quaint towns a little better.
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