Snowy Range & Woods Landing Loop - By jaydub

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By jaydub (2 McR Points) on Jun 06, 2018
Creator : jaydub
Motorcycle Type : Sport - Touring
I rode this route on June 6th, 2018. The route was beautiful and there was very little traffic. A very nice day ride from where I live.
The only place I would caution someone riding in the summer of 2018 is WY put new tar snakes on WY230 from the state line near Wycolo and going north in the curves the tar snakes were very slippery. It seems they are a bit thick and gooey. Several times my bike partially slid out, sometimes the front slid and sometimes the back slid. I didn't dump it but I thought I might a few times. Take it slow in the curves in this part of WY230 this summer.
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