Des Moines To Council Bluffs - Via Highway IA-92 - By jcomaha

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By jcomaha (37 McR Points) on Jul 20, 2016
Creator : Jcomaha
Motorcycle Type : Touring
I moved to Michigan and rode this route as part of riding my bike from Omaha in the move. I rated this a 3 only because I can't give it a 3.5. I rated it lower because the road offers little in dynamic scenery or variety. It's a good road and offers an off the beaten path ride versus the freeway. But it's mostly straight, some hills, but minimal curves. It's mostly small towns and lots of corn fields and an occasional wind alley of wind towers. Good safe road that's good quality, minimal bumpy, the best part of Winterset IA and John Wayne's birthplace and the Bridges of Madison County. If you are hungry, the BBQ joint across from John Wayne's place is very good with a root beer BBQ sauce that's quite tasty.
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