
Bagnell Dam Loop - By mchance

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By mchance (940 McR Points) on Jul 09, 2020

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Motorcycle Type : Cruiser

Finally rode this route on July 4th. As mentioned in my previous comment, it's the Missouri entry in Harley-Davidson's "50 Rides, One Nation" contest as part of HOG's Ride 365 program. As Missouri routes go, it's pretty average, and fairly easy by Missouri Ozarks standards. The most slow speed turns are on Hwy W on the east side of the route, with a number of 30 and 35 MPH turns, with a handful of 20-25 MPH turns (and one 15 MPH turn) as you get close to Bagnell Dam. The first mile past the dam is a tourist strip, and can be stop-and-go with heavy traffic (with angled parking along the street) and lots of pedestrians crossing, depending on the day that you're there. The Hwy 5 section is a disappointment - it's gotten very built up, and is more like riding in the suburbs. Once on Hwy 135, you can open the throttle up (depending on traffic), as the road is rolling and flowing, with very few slow speed turns. All in all, it's typical Missouri roads and representative of many different roads across the state, but nothing spectacular. NOTE: There is a toll bridge on MM across the lake. As of July 2020, the cost was $3 for motorcycles.

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